Battlestar Galactica 30 - Something Dark is Coming, Maybe

Thunderdome: aka I just use to pick numbers.

First, use the ‘Thunderdome’ to give everyone a position using 1-100, highest to the top:

99 @Otthegreat
92 @Lantz
84 @Cuthbert
82 @rho21
74 @rowe33
54 @Jorn_Weines
46 @soondifferent
34 @CaseyRobinson

Then actual Thunderdome, 1-1000, 5 highest are playing in Game 31:

697 @rho21
507 @soondifferent
503 @Lantz
462 @rowe33
370 @CaseyRobinson

175 @Otthegreat
103 @Cuthbert
35 @Jorn_Weines

Congrats Jorn on the worst 1-1000 roll I’ve ever seen. rho, soon, Lantz, Casey, and rowe, I will prepare the game in a bit. We can start picking characters when rho is back tomorrow.