Battlestar Galactica 33 1/3 The Network Gun

I will move to Command and launch a Mk II Viper in Space 2, and move the Mk II in Space 1 to Space 3.

Or is it better to just move the one I launch @rowe33?


I think ending up in 2and 3 works best, in case our pilot is dirty or turns soon.

But your pilot is soon.

OK, I’ll keep them in 2 and 3 then. @CraigM

Sounds good, there they go.

For your next crisis @Cuthbert once again chooses what goes wrong

Quorum cards? Are they a part of this game?

Sure, just ask the President to stop dithering about with ancient manuscripts and Cylon anti virus programs.

Last time people said they were suspicious of presidents that just hang out doing quorum stuff!

I think we need the fuel more, so Option 1 @CraigM

Do you have some transcripts?

That was me, who wasn’t playing. I was also wrong. :)
Or prescient, one of both.

I am suspicious of Presidents who focus on the quorum.

I am suspicious of Presidents who draw quorum cards.

Ok, so raiders advance, jump prep +1, morale -1, no people in brig so nothing happens.

@soondifferent your turn

Hm. I’d XO someone in command if I could, but can’t. Guess I shouldn’t worry too much about the heavy at the moment, I can always shoot it onboard if I have to, should help with the stream of raiders heading topside instead.

So I’ll CAG the viper in 2 and escort the civvie, then I’ll play 1FT to go to 3 and take a shot at the raider. Will discard 1LS to guarantee the shot and bring card totals to 10 @CraigM

It seems your little shortcut to the other side of the ship had unintended consequences.


@Lantz to lead us off

I can contribute a lot here.

Sorry, was out and about.

0 cards @rowe33

I can help but I think my cards are better used in the field given how the board is looking. The partial pass looks pretty minor here.

0 cards. @Cuthbert

You mean sleeping?

0 cards @Jorn_Weines

I only have one for this and it’s far more useful played

Not sure if I can solo this, but if Destiny is no too harsh this might work out. 3 cards @soondifferent