Battlestar Galactica 35 - The Cliffs of Insanity

Everyone is a British family in India trying to suck enough money out of the East India company for their dumb nephews and second sons to retire and buy noble titles and fancy hats. But if the company collapses, everyone loses

Is there a rules PDF somewhere? Is it Republic of Rome meets the EIC?

Essentially, yes

Is there a traitor mechanism?

Like, you were one episode from watching the whole show, man!

Get out

Ooh, for free during the current crisis I assume. I haven’t been able to see Season 4 yet.
Bah, content not available in my region.

If you click View All next to Episodes it has them all in order. Reverse order, for some reason.

Also interested, though I’m still pretty busy so happy to let others play if you have enough.

Agreed, that definitely looked balanced a fair bit human compared to normal. You didn’t even have to use the tactic that my group ended up with for New Caprica: check all the civvies and deliberately lose the 0-pop and 1-pop ones before getting to New Caprica. This still leaves you with plenty of pop, and you have sufficiently few civilians that they’re easy to evacuate. That wasn’t anything as crazy as this campaign setup though.

Big thanks to @Knightsaber for running this, it produced some superb moments for onlookers and players alike. Which is what the game’s all about really.

That was something! I am impressed! Great job running it @Knightsaber

Having never played this game, I had no idea what you guys were doing or saying, but it was immensely enjoying. Kudos to all involved!

I am also getting a Resistance: Avalon game going together for anyone interested:

That looks really interesting! Reminds me of New Angeles at a (very very quick) glance. That was a bit intense for me (though fun) and not sure I’m up to learn a complex game at the moment, but I’ll join if you need more players, otherwise I’m happy to spectate.

Just wish it was available outside the states.

Ah damn, that sucks - could you use some sort of network proxy or is that against the theme of BSG as a whole? :D

New thread starting this evening. Sign up here!

Yeah yeah I’ll do it.

I will always play but also happy to give others a turn

I’ll play if there’s room.

same, happy to thunderdome