Battlestar Galactica - The Plan

Apparently including the Syphilis Channel (har de har) itself. BSG is the first show of theirs I’m aware of that has completely disappeared from the lineup after the first-run episodes ended. Stargate, Farscape, even Lexx were heavily rerun after they ended. Not so for BSG. It’s quite odd.

That probably has to do more with network/studio politics than the quality of a series.

Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s a contractual thing enforced by NBC-Universal.

— Alan

Wow. I am a hardcore BSG fan and, uh, this blew chunks.

  • The first 15 minutes or so was pretty good space porn - it reused some of the shots of Caprica from the finale, yeah, but mixed them well with other things (I’d guess the Picon shots are simply Caprica with some ocean and port digitally overlayed). I should have stopped watching when rocks fell and everyone died.

  • The nudity was distracting. Oh great, you’re straight to DVD, you can show tits, awesome. It felt that gratuitous. Is Ellen Tigh supposed to be bisexual? Because she sure likes going to bars where naked women are, apparently. Oh, hey, look, Trisha Helfer in lingerie and heels, straight to Google Image Search. I felt like I was watching Battlestar Pornlactica. The dialogue didn’t help.

  • The plan was, and I quote “Kill them all… oh wait, we missed.” Wow. Could we be more insulting. They turned the Cylons into the Keystone Cops. Admittedly Cavil’s dressing down Doral was darkly humorous, but every other scene with the merry Cylon band was really, really bad. They made them bumbling and silly.

  • As mentioned, this was basically the first two seasons with final season metaphysical Cylon goo rubbed all over it. It’s exactly as appetizing as it sounds. There wasn’t anything explained at all that we already didn’t know, simply putting Cylons in the right place at the right time to be ‘found’ during the series timeline. There’s a backstory with Rick Worthy’s Cylon which is noteworthy simply because the actor isn’t a ham and it’s fairly understated and well done, but it’s also pretty superfluous. Cylons fall in love? You don’t say. It’s almost like they’ve been preaching about that since the first season.

Well, this certainly sounds like something I can wait to pick up for $5 down the line. Or just wait for it to show up on Netflix Watch Instantly.

And let’s not forget the Caprica-side Cavil’s conversion to letting the humans live.

Cavil: “Why did you cease firing??? I hate these cockroaches!!!”
Six: “We took a vote. We’re going to have a truce for reasons that were shown in the series but we’re not even going to bother to allude to in this scene, because if you sat through two hours of this drek you know damn well what happened.”
Cavil: “Oh, OK. I’ll go let the humans know. I love them now. Bye!”

This is like Babylon 5 after the main story arch ended.

As great as the show was, did anyone give a shit about anything B5-related after that? How many failed off-shoot series were there? (four, I think?)

Can someone please summarize what the Plan actually is? I’d like to know what the heck I spent 4 years watching ;)

According to The Plan, the, er, plan was – and I shit you not – kill all the humans. Yeah, it was just that simple. Except they failed, so the new plan after blowing up all the colonies is, unsurprisingly, kill the rest of the humans. Man just thinking about this movie again makes me have to hold back barf.

lol, so I really didn’t miss anything…

The plan is just Cavil in the fleet pulling the strings behind the various models of Cylon. Where we might’ve supposed they were operating under orders or programming, it turns out they occasionally met to have Cavil snark at them. You also get to see a bit more of Anders on Caprica, becoming a leader. But there’s basically no new information. Just inexplicable nipples.

So finally got around to watching it last night myself. Pretty tame. Boobies. But nothing that really added anything to the overall BSG story. The Plan? Kill everyone and then do nothing but whine about how you didn’t do a good enough job of it. Cavil still is probably the most fun Cylon to listen to, and like was said before he had some great lines. Still, disappointing.

The plan is they tried to fuck up the first two seasons retroactively and maybe succeeded.

Yeah, that was really sad. The thing was called “The Plan” and yet they clearly had no plan whatsoever. They should have called it “Battlestar Galactica: What Happens After The Cylons Botch Their Very Simple Plan.” In the scene with Tricia Helfer in her underwear they even point out how bumbling and incompetent they are. What a waste of everybody’s time.

Ron Moore said in a podcast somewhere that “The Plan” was created by the network marketing department just before the series went to air and that he begrudgingly allowed it to be inserted into the opening credits. Terrible idea to begin with, and an abysmal idea to turn it into a 2-hour movie.

I perked up a bit when I realized they’d be covering “The Farm” which they never adequately explained in the series. Aaaaaand, it’s still not adequately explained. Same thing with the “There are 12 Cylon models” note; why bring it up if you aren’t going to explain it…particularly in a movie whose sole purpose to explain things.

Recommended to hardcore Dean Stockwell fans only.