Battlestar Galactica XX: The Super Crisis Shuffle

Virgon Voyager to Galactica, we have spotted Centurions during salvage operations. Send escort immediately!

The Presidential shuttle was the only ship capable of aiding that was not otherwise engaged. President Foster, on her way to do the usual schmoozing that allowed her such wide latitude as President, was on board.

She gave the mission a go, every human life was critical now, they needed to send rescue.

For an hour they dropped out of contact, only to return with the mining crew in tow, and a Raptor shot to hell. President Foster, dirty and scuffed, practically fell out of the craft. Chief Tyrol, initially apalled at the state of the craft, took time to look it over to see if anything was salveagable. After a few moments he radioed the CAG.

‘She looks like hell, but it seems like a few hours, and some new body panels, and I’ll have her running again’

President Foster, having caught her breath, stood up and gave the thumbs up.


Tactics 6 SFF
Treachery 0B

Total +1

@Perky_Goth the raiders launch, but only 4 are in reserves. Since each Basestar can launch up to 3, you choose which ones go, up to 3 in either space.