Battlestar Galactica XX: The Super Crisis Shuffle

Destiny is neutral on the issue. Whatever discontent was present earlier has simmered down.

Still, the President’s standing was diminished.

Skill cards
Tactics 3SP
Leadership 3DE

total 0, fail.

@Perky_Goth discards Quorum cards

and skill cards
Politics 4IC
Engineering 3SR

Basestar placed in… area 4.

Pursuit track +1

@rho21 select location for the civilian ship.

Zone 3 please.

@rho21 you’ve got the stick.

Anyone wanna take bets on what Rho does? No?

Well I’ll definitely start in a traditional fashion by staying in sector 2, launching an unmanned viper in sector 3 and getting it to escort the new civilian ship to safety.

Next up, what do people think about trusting Madam President? I can ask her to leave sick bay (but then have two actions in a row) or stick to a safer action.

I’d already moved the pieces ;)

Stinger is so good, I can’t wait until the sleeper phase* and you all distrust each other again.

*assuming both Cylons aren’t in play now.

Shh, you’re giving away my non-Cylon nature.

I am not terribly against it. We have a clean board at this moment so if she f’s off to toaster-ville this turn she can’t do super drastic damage against us here and we’d know a cylon so that’s probably a fair trade for humanity.

I hate it, but I can’t complain because you can totally trust me. I think I’ll do some repairs.

Ugh, those cards :’(

Thanks for the input. On balance I think the risk is just a little too great to be worth the reward, given how many cards we have kicking around already.

Instead I’ll launch a scout (2LS) to have another go at finding us a good place to jump to. @CraigM

President is getting hit hard, 2 quorum cards down. 2 cards down and now 4 cards down.
Good thing you are playing Tory :D

CFB is filling up, i’ll be polishing up the nukes

Sorry for the delay, my computer crashed so I’m having to recreate everything since the jump.

While I am sorry that your computer crashed because that sucks, that is perfectly in theme.

And finished.

@rho21 the pilots are definitely getting better, roll 6. You’ve been sent a destination.


While Rho ponders the distant reaches of the universe, you all can ponder this.

(note may)

@Perky_Goth you start.

Well, that’s just mean.
I was afraid of breaking a rule with a skill check, but it’s been said similarly before, so… I’ll say all I can do this check is make worthless cards slightly good.

Wow, apparently that workplace orientation day I held has really motivated them to spend more time practising shooting.

I’ll keep that destination, please.

Destiny’s not particularly promising here, but we should probably avoid another morale hit if possible.

Yep, let’s go for it.

1 card @Lantz

1 card
