Battlestar Galactica XX: The Super Crisis Shuffle

Well help then, it is your turn.

I was waiting for whatever calculations my esteemed leader was doing!

2 cards for me @rho21

1 card @Perky_Goth

Are you sure you’re not trying to fail?
Ok, math time…

A third Cylon?

4 cards only, sadly.

1 Card


Any suggestions for my turn @Lantz

I was thinking we’d still want to roll and add raiders to the last open spot.

I am not sure how many crisis cards can directly cost them fuel, but I know it is low. I figured that a reasonable shot at costing them their OPGs was worth bypassing the track. Perhaps it was dumb :shrug:

I think we are almost out of raiders actually so that might not be good.

Rolling for cfb track sounds good. Not desperate enough for caprica.

I’m pretty sure Galactica is going to blow up with a thousand holes from the raiders, but who knows.

Darkness and conspiracy exist in a realm of the unlikely made real. The fragile reality twisted and made maleable in a fever dream. But in these odd days even the darkest of fears may become manifest. Plausible escapes turned in on themselves as the creeping horrors slowly transition from ethereal to inescapable.

Rumors of the purpose of the Cylon actions percolated, but were naught more than dread specters. Terror unspeakable, broadly spoken, circulated. Certainly these could not be true…

But whispering these fears gave form, slow madness became sanity. The worst possible truths grew in stature as a slow dawning occurred. Not the base accusations of flesh harvests, of Cylons rending flesh for sustenance, but a more sinister plot. Now humans were being collected. Not as nourishment, but as experiment. Able pilots had minimized the carnage, without being aware, but as scouts probed their defenses a few audacious raids occurred.

One survivor managed to reach a comm station aboard her nightmare, and eke out a warning. Brief tales of probes and IV solutions were released, before silence fell. 2000 people were exposed to the depths of cruel creativity, waiting for an unhappy end. A rescue must be planned.

Ill prepared for such an endeavor, they pressed on. Primal need driving their actions. They could not afford to lose this hope. To accept twisted fate would be to lose what trust they had from the people. No, it must be done.

The converted science vessel Agamemnon was one of the first converts to agriculture. Now it was converted yet again for Cylon needs. Housing a not insignificant portion of humanity, another type of seed was being prepared. The birth of Hera had become obsession with the once human members. Adama, in particular, was keen on discovering the secret of hybrid life. A thousand could die to give that one life, and he would not care. Directing his minions the experiments were conducted.

The rescue fleet was small, led by the President’s personal guard, but well trained. The handful of Raptors and FTL capable assault craft lurched into range without drawing attention. They breached the hull, and performed a coordinated sweep. A brief but intense gunfight ensued, before the helm was taken. Losing no time they jumped.

It was only then the dire truth was discovered. Row after row of stretcher and hypodermic needle had replaced hydroponics. They had rescued the mouths to feed, but lost the means to feed them.

Skill cards:
Tactics 2LS, 2LS, 5ASC, 5SP
Engineering 2R, 4SR, 6BN

Politics 5N
Leadership 6SoE
Treachery 2SD, 3ABM

Total +10, mixed result. -1 food. 2 Treachery added to destiny.

@jeffreyb left me standing orders for his turn.

Roll for pursuit: 2, jump prep -1

have CAG add a civvie, @rho21?

I’ll take that, whew. Definitely need the OPGs in play.

@CraigM: Bring that civvie in to zone 3 please.

Once our pursuers show up, we just need to remember to keep at least 1 civvie around at all times so they don’t shoot at Galactica. We’re going to need some fancy flying to keep that civilian safe.
Note that the current civilian should be escorted away if possible because there will be two more arriving before anything can jump in.

Ok @rowe33 your fifth card

For when you’re ready

I’d just like to let you all know that there are a lot of Raiders there. Just FYI and all that.

Good luck, we’re all counting on you.


I’ll take Leadership please.