Battletech by Harebrained Schemes (Shadowrun Returns)

This intrigues me. I am not sure I am in favor of the juggernaut replacement.

Wont the changes to Bulwark just make the AIs ignore the target and focus fire on weaker teammates. Meaning, it’s near useless?

Sure, but if all three of your other mechs are behind a hill, hitting everything with LRMs, then there will only ever be one target to begin with.

And it’s not like you will want to use it often. It will drain all your points very quickly.

It was fun tonight diving back into this one to see what’s changed after not playing it for awhile.

I like Coolant Vent. I’ve often wished I could do this.

What worries me is it might be very unbalanced in MP games, were you don’t care about the pilots after the fight.
Got to look out for whats best for our future tournament.

Having never actually played MP, how does it handle the mechwarriors? Do you choose them from a preformatted list or design your own for each?

There is a pre made list. All of them are the same level, and have just enough points for the 2 minor skills and the major skill.

Later in the game, there’s no real money pressure at all, so just letting the clock spin to heal your preferred pilots or cycling a couple bench pilots in heat overloaded beasts doesn’t have much downside. By increasing your damage potential in the middle of combat rounds you probably offset a decent amount of pilot damage by reducing the amount of rounds in the battle.

I mean, it might end up balanced well and all, but I feel like it’s the kind of thing that encourages abusing the fact that time has no real downside in the game past maybe the midpoint. Doesn’t matter if you add a couple decades of healing time because no one ages or deteriorates.

Except, in my case, the player. :)

Is it stupid that when I played tonight, it bugged me that my memorial wall showed my dead warriors but no history on any of them? Actually, looking at the screen shot, it seems that a Dekker’s ghost came back after day 238 and started doing weird stuff on the ship, so maybe I have something to look forward to…

Today I keep getting this bug where I issue an order to use jumpjets, the camera shifts to “cinematic” mode, but the mech never jumpjets or moves. This effectively locks up the mission and I have to quit out.

It’s happened three times now, all in the same random contract. Has anyone else had this problem?

Man, that sounds weird, I’ve not run into it, but then I’ve only played like 2 missions in my new campaign I started with the update. But I did use jumpjets on all 4 mechs repeatedly on the missions w/ no issue?!

Does it happen when you disable the cinematics?

Expansion time!

The first is out 27 November and adds tropical maps and a new victory condition requiring you to capture points on a map before the enemy. Additionally, it includes 30 hours of new side missions and a few new mechs. The second is urban-warfare focused and out next summer. The third is TBA. I guess I need to go back and finish the campaign at some point.

I’ll be interested in hearing what the consensus is among the group as to whether this is a sufficient amount of new content to warrant another run through.

man do you really need an excuse to do more BATTLETECH?!

I can count on my hand how often I have felt the need to buy a DLC on day one. I might need to buy the Season Pass.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one, but don’t need to go back right away. I’ll probably revisit it once all three are out.

haha, well, I mean yes and no. I played pretty slowly the last time taking side missions and ended up spending 188 hours. So, it’s really more just do I want to dive into something that long again? Suppose I probably will only I’ll try and make it a faster run, but then if this new content is about beefing up the side mission stuff I might well end up going down the rabbit hole again…