Behold Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis!

AKA the Purple Frog.

A captured specimen was reported to be able to dig itself into loose soil within 3-5 minutes. When placed on a pebbled gravel surface within an open, dry streambed, the frog tried to escape with stretching movements (not hopping). The pointed snout is touch-sensitive. In captivity, the frog used its hindlimbs for burrowing, with Radhakrishnan et al. (2007) providing a detailed description of the burrowing process. During five months of captivity, the frog did not emerge from the soil, even at night, although it moved about underneath the soil. Given the hard-knobbed snout and small ventral mouth, this species is likely to be a completely underground feeder specializing in termites

That looks more grayish than purple. But it’s sorta purple… Cool frog either way.

I await jpinard’s expert opinion with baited breath!

Hehe, shrewface.

My frogs are cuter! Sersiouly, that is one homely looking frog. I bet in a another million years he’ll lose his eyes and webbing entirely. Continuing to take on more Mole/Shrew characteristics. What an amazing critter.