Best thing you'll see all week: Lady Bloodfight

I don’t mean to imply that Lady Bloodfight isn’t dumb, inconsistent, and familiar. It kind of is. The basics are nothing that haven’t been done a thousand times with everyone from Jean Claude van Damme to,uh…who’s doing these kinds of movies these days? John Cena? I haven’t been keeping up.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It’s not Lady Bloodfight?

Oops. I knew the title sounded dumber than I remembered it being. Thanks, Mr. Webb!


So is this an unofficial sequel to Bloodsport?

Bloodsport wishes!

Seriously, though, the title is so dumb. Rest assured that at no point during this movie does anyone call anyone else Lady Bloodfight, Bloodfight, Bloodfist, Lady Bloodfist, Mrs. Bloodfight, Miss Bloodfight, Blood, Fight, or Fist. You can watch this movie and pretend it’s called Amy Johnston Is Really Cool and nothing in the movie will contradict you.


But do they chant Kumite?

Little known fact: that word is pronounced coo-me-tay and not coo-mite. I learned that from watching Lady Bloodfight. In other words, watching it made me smarter!

By the same token, so would Bloodsport. Which seems hard to believe.

“to,[ ]uh”
“Too few movie[s] understand”

In that linked demo reel, it says she made it with Jace Hall. Is that the same Jace Hall who was once with Monolith back in the Shogo days? (And why do I remember Shogo and not anything else they did? Yeah, that’s a thinker…)

what about Bloody Ladyfight? Fighty Bloodlady? Every scene of her the trailer made me think it was Kirsten Dunst.

[quote=“sillhouette, post:12, topic:129903, full:true”]Every scene of her the trailer made me think it was Kirsten Dunst.

Aw, man, now look what you went and did! I don’t think I’m going to be able to get that out of my head.


[quote=“tomchick, post:5, topic:129903, full:true”]

Bloodsport wishes!

Seriously, though, the title is so dumb. Rest assured that at no point during this movie does anyone call anyone else Lady Bloodfight, Bloodfight, Bloodfist, Lady Bloodfist, Mrs. Bloodfight, Miss Bloodfight, Blood, Fight, or Fist. You can watch this movie and pretend it’s called Amy Johnston Is Really Cool and nothing in the movie will contradict you.[/quote]

You’re assuming the name of the movie is the title of a character, rather than a description of the fight in poor Chinese English, as in “You are going to be in Lady Bloodfight?”. That’s another way of looking at it, not that it really matters :)

Anyway, it’s on my LoveFilm queue now.


OK, I was wong. It’s not an unofficial sequel to Bloodsport. It’s Bloodsport with the character motivsation of Gymkhata.

Also, it’s written by Bey Logan!

I thought Tom and others might be interested in Amy Johnston’s appearance on the most recent “Stuntmen React” video on the Corridor Crew Youtube channel:

Also, if anybody hasn’t seen Supercop, now’s the time!

Whoa, @JPR, that was awesome! Not just cute little Amy Johnston, but Michelle Yeoh as well. I’m in heaven!

That video makes me want to go back and watch Civil War, which I didn’t care for at the time, but which Dingus really loved. I don’t remember those action scenes being that kinetic, so I should give it another chance, especially given how much it meant to Dingus. And, of course, maybe it’s time for another Lady Bloodfight viewing. I love that silly little thing for how it’s all about empowering women without being one of those godawful Empowering Women Pander-Fests (e.g. Black Christmas, the latest Charlie’s Angels reboot). Thanks for the link and thread bump, @JPR.
