BIOS: Megafauna Forum Game. Who will eat who?

Lol. Think of those tongue flicking, courting slugs as a new source of zombie food for your horror-plant’s gut flora to digest.

I’m reasonably familiar with the game, but Juan remembered the Green Mushroom rule when Jorn did the mutualism promotion, which I totally didn’t even know was a rule.

Ok, So I disperse to Baltica 5 and from there to Baltica 2 as a Carnivore. I win the contest against Orange there (one red cube each and I’m closer to prey size)


Green has no newborns, so it’s Black´s (@Matt_W) turn.

I think you mean Baltica 2 then Baltica 3 (you already had a creeple on Gondwana 5), but the map looks right.

I’m dispersing everywhere I can, which is every weed spot on Siberia.

Seems to me black´s only option is to maximize his craton…

You are right! Editing the post.

Ok, black dispersal done. Now endangered creeples burials and endotherms.

@CraigM’s endangered predator gets buried since he has no white cubes. My endotherms on Laurentia 2 disperses to Laurentia 4.


Board State



I can resolve the first row and half of the second row.

@Jorn_Weines, I need your input for the Offshore to Atmosphere.

Syberia 5 seems the only option for the Atmosphere to continental (downwind).

White and Black lose the red plus organ and their corresponding card.

And nobody seems to be over the organ limit.

So basically just one input, I think.

Board State before Medea's input (changes that come after still not executed)

Going to bed now. Will post tomorrow around noon next.

Agreed. The whole ET card resolves before the biosphere card, so that white disc should be in S5 and my creeple there is endangered.

Keep in mind that triggering the gun there would kill off all of the bloom on the board. (Black disks liberated from off-shore also liberate bloom.) This would give the plant a bunch of turns and hurt us O2 breathers, but would also, by my calculation, put us one step away from runaway greenhouse.

Let’s go for that then!

You also need to decide which offshore goes into the Atmosphere (Syberia 5 was the downwind part of the ET card, and we had no real choice, you need to decide on the first event of the biosphere card).

Btw, @Matt_W, since this is my first non-solo play, it’s great to have you onboard to clarify some of the rules. I think after that play I will have them nailed down 100%

Baltica 1, is that a legal move?

Yes it is. Will execute.

Ok, this is the board state into the action phase.

Player order is
1 @CraigM
2 @Matt_W
3 @Juan_Raigada
4 @Jorn_Weines

Animals and plants get 3 actions.

Animal organ limit at 5, plant organ limit at 8.

Matt, remember you lost your red card.

Bad idea theater!

So I think I’m going to get an emotion here. Tongue flicking and Courtship Dance get me the red, I believe.

So I’ll promote those two.

For the third I’m debating either changing to another genotype or sizing up. Flying seems a good deal, but uncertain on that. Give me 5-10

Can I ask a rule while we wait? Is it legal to use an endangered creeple to speciate? I don’t think there’s anything in the rules that prohibits it. This BGG thread seems to agree with that interpretation.

I think it’s legal, yes. The new species will be endangered, though…

Edit: well, if it loses the competition.

But remember you lost your red card!