Bloodborne - Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor's Spiritual Successor

It’s always wild to me hearing what bosses people find easy/hard.

I’m not a good souls player so this isn’t a flex by any means, but once I figured out I had to stay in front of Midir 100% of the time, I didn’t find the fight easy, but it felt manageable. Enjoyable even. I did manage to knock him down solo after a dozen or so attempts. There is of course some RNG in there where he would kill me in 30 seconds flat if he started with back to back charge/flame combos. But staying in front, staying aggressive, and rolling backwards worked really well.

I helped a pal out with him and that was much harder because the aggro was difficult to manage. Not to mention the increased healthpool.

It’s easily my favorite fight in DS3.

Orphan on the other hand…I’d say I attempted him solo and with a friend maybe 50 times?

Victory was never so sweet.