Bloodborne - Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor's Spiritual Successor

Nearing what feels like the end of BB, and as I’ve done with DS1 and DS2, I’m starting to sketch out a plan to close out the game. I don’t know why my mind gets all jumbled near the end of these games, but I tend to start feeling very lost. Maybe it’s just that I don’t want to miss anything.

So, here’s my tentative plan:

Defeat the One Reborn and Ebreitas.
Hit up Cainhurst Castle.
Finish up The Nightmare Frontier.
Mop up remaining hunter-type mini-bosses (Iosefka and the impossible hunter inside the Grand Cathedral).
End Area.

Logarius and Ebritas are both optional bosses but I like both of those areas a lot. For some reason Logarius was way harder for me than he probably should be, just took me a long time to recognize his spells and react. Spent an embarrassing amount of attempts on that fight.

On the other hand Ebritas is one I often see listed as the hardest in the base game and somehow I managed it on 2 tries.

Stop making me want to play BB again you jerks (jk don’t stop).

My friend and I got it down to like half health on our third try but then we fucked up and died. Feels like an endurance test and I suspect we’re a bit under leveled.

I am not at Ebrietas yet. I may have just gotten to Logarius early. A while back I decided I would never have a PS4 and never be able to play this game (since I wasn’t going to pony up $20 a month for PSNow), so I read a lot about it. I kind of wish I’d gone in blind, because it would have been pretty cool to figure out how to get to Cainhurst on your own, although I’ll bet there is a lot I would have missed. Maybe I got to Logarius a little early. I did give him a go last night and got him down to like 25% health, so I can see how it will be doable. The hardest part is getting those damned viscerals. Fought the One Reborn last night, and beat it in one go. Always surprises me when that happens (also did for the Bloody Crow, although I would enjoy the Crowfeather Garb more if it wasn’t divided in the back…probably stick with Gascoigne’s).

I’m amazed you guys remember all these names. Do you have to look them up before you post?

Hey, I was in the Nightmare Frontier when I went to the DLC (where I still am). So the Nightmare Frontier is not the final area I guess.

This post has inspired me to hopefully try to kill The Living Failures tonight. (See? Now that’s a name I didn’t have to look up. Ok, I lied, I called them Living Nightmares, then went up thread to see if I was right).

I’ve played the game a half dozen times and the story is one of my favorites in games so it’s pretty easy to remember for me.

What weapon are you using? I did this guy (Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, although I have no idea how you would know that name without looking it up) last night, and it only took two tries because the big form of Ludwig’s Holy Blade was very good at poking him from a distance. Was an intense and interesting fight that really kept me on my toes. This is the kind of fight I really like in these games. In comparison, Logarius just feels kinda like bullshit.

I found Martyr Logarius to be one of the more challenging, yet fair, fights in my playthrough. Really thought he was well done.

I loved the pizza cutter!

Ok, reached Ebrietas. She sucks, but not as bad as Logarius. For once the summon seems worthless.

I was pretty determined yesterday. I said to myself, I’m going to beat Living Failures today, even if I have to play for 30 minutes in a row.

Sadly, after 30 minutes, the best run had me get them to about 30% health before I died. Interestingly, on that run, I almost used up all 20 of my health potions. (They replenished after I respawned, of course, but it was indicator that I was lasting a long time and being careful).

I might actually get desperate enough to try this long and complicated procedure one of these days.

Protip: you can backstab them handily during the cosmic attack, and there’s a lot of i-frames during the backstab.

Oh nice. I didn’t know Bloodborne had a backstab animation. I’ll have to try that out tonight.

I’ve been playing the Dark Souls Remaster lately too, and this second time through it’s funny how often I’m backstab-backstab-backstabbing everyone without even meaning to. I just like dodging and getting behind enemies, and it’s pretty easy to do early on in Dark Souls.

I have yet to do a backstab in BB, even accidentally. I believe it requires an R2 charge up to pull off.

Re: Ebrietas, the camera is by far the worst enemy in this fight

Arrgh. Look how close I can get to beating them.

But no cigar. Never the cigar.

I came within one or two charged thrusts of beating Ebrietas earlier before she blew me up with her damned magic attack I couldn’t see charging because of the horrific camera. -_-

Ebrietas and Logarius down. Frabjous day.

Hahaha, I thought Forbidden Woods sucked until I decided to hit Nightmare Frontier. Good Lord, I wish whoever at From thought these poison areas needed to be in every game would just get another job.

As a whole, Bloodborne is at or near the top of my favorite gaming experiences, but I very nearly broke my controller throwing it in the Nightmare Frontier.

I just wish Nightmare Frontier was more linear so I knew where to go in it.