Bloodborne - Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor's Spiritual Successor

I did that exact same thing. But it doesn’t take long for Insight to be plentiful. There is an object (Madman’s Knowledge?) that can be converted to Insight. You also get Insight with every Boss encounter.

Yes. But having had it you may be okay. I am not sure how that works. If not just run into the first boss on a suicide run and then you will get an Insight. Of course you won’t have any Blood Echoes then. :)

I have never done this, but from what I have read if you had that Insight and spoke to the Doll, if you temporarily lose it she won’t speak anymore but you can still level up at her. Speedrunners supposedly use this to skip her (annoying) little speech every single time they want to level up.

I don’t know if you’ve ever played this before, maybe I should spoiler the above.

No worries. I beat it a year or two back… Just a bit rusty on some of the particulars.

I haven’t watched anyone attempt a speed run of Bloodborne yet but I have watched Dark Souls speed runs and the stuff they do amazes me. How do they find out some of the things they do?

Man the Forbidden Forest is huge and dangerous place. I got lost there a few times and finally found the second shortcut, but I have no idea where it is in relation to anything else.

Yeah that place is confusing and I didn’t really enjoy it. It’s an atypical space that one feels like they need a minimap…which is a testament to nearly every other location being easily navigable without one.

So the Shadows of Yarhnam are dead. I stumbled on them while exploring and the first go round I got my ass kicked. But I went back and took them out. This is no doubt bad luck to say but the last couple bosses have been much easier than the first three you meet. Seems like it should be the other way around.

The boss difficulty curve in Bloodborne is…strange. I actually enjoy only a few of the bosses in the base game. The best bosses, and hardest, are all in the DLC.

Okay, I have hit a road block with Rom and the options seem a lot higher level. Cairnhorst based on the first enemy type I have run into might be pretty damn tough.

I don’t know how far @Rock8man got but I can see this being the spot.

Oh man, those things suck so much ass, especially if you hit them up as soon as you can.

Fun area once you get past those assholes. I think they’re pretty easy to run past though, if you just want to advance.

I usually inch forward in an area until I see where it is headed, then I will do a “suicide” run or two to just see how far I can get and what is ahead of me.

So I met the Martyr and I am his, so to speak.

That fight made me so angry.

Huh. After looking up a video, I’ve never fought this guy. Did I just miss an optional area in the game? Or is he past the nightmare part where I left to do the DLC area?

Is optional but Cainhurst Castle is one of the best parts of the base game.

Creepy place, you probably wouldn’t find it without careful reading of a certain object. The area, aside from some opening beasties you can avoid and the Boss is very doable, and reminiscent of a certain area in DS1. The boss is also unlike pretty much every other boss I have run across so far. Kind of like Pontiff Sulyvan with bad ass magic abilities.

So I beat the Darkbeast or whatever he is called. The electric beast. Beat him on my first try using the basic DS tactic of getting under a boss and only leaving when they fire up an AOE. I also got real close to beating Rom, but damn that fight is frustrating. I haven’t gone back to the Martyr again. Maybe in a couple days.

After you beat Rom, you will hate life. I’d put that off as long as you can.

Well, I just killed Rom. Except for Nightmare land and the Martyr I really had nothing else waiting.