Boardgaming 2021: minis are back, baby!

You bet!

Every year is a good year for Heroscape. My 6yo wanted to know how many punches it would take Hulk to beat down Thanos. By golly, we are going to fnd out!

It might not be very many…Hulk was already carrying two wounds, so was rolling eight attack dice…


I like that Lang mentions code-change/switch too.

Catching up on the last 2 weeks of new games:

Umm the Unlock Secret Adventures is not new? Those came out 2 years ago.

Unless the 3pk is new, which is possible. But pretty sure that came out earlier as wel.

This is a new 3 pack. They’ve been discontinuing the older ones slowly and introducing them as 3 packs.

I’ll defer to you then!

It might have been the European release, I know they had been doing them as 3pks in Europe for a while before they released them like that in the US.

I wouldn’t have looked twice at the Fairy Trails game if I didn’t see Uwe Rosenberg’s name on it. And Quetzal looks gorgeous! Dig it:

Such meeples!

They’re both multiple players only, so there’s no point in me getting them. :(

What really piqued my interested was that Dwellings of Eldervale game. And it’s got a solitaire mode. I did get a $600 stimulus payment today. Maybe I should do my part for the US economy?


Dwellings of Eldervale has been coming up in a lot of top 10 games, both solo and with multiple players, in recent weeks. As a result, it’s very popular and hard to find in stock in UK. If you are interested, you might want to pull the trigger fairly quickly.

If I didn’t have a couple of big KS coming in the coming months and lots of games on my shelf I have resolved to play more, I think I would have jumped in too. It looks very good.

Tim Chuon is as much into cinematography as explaining board games and does an excellent job of showing off how good the game looks as he explains the rules:

There’s no doubt that, if you wanted to snap some photos and host a game, we would play with you on the qt3 boardgames discord. Right now we are playing Endeavor: Age of Sail, Pulsar 2849, Altiplano, and Gaia Project, Tang Garden, and Pipeline.

Quetzal is on boardgame arena.

After a year of resisting online boardgame play and a bad experience with fiddly TTS, I gave in last night. And I found boardgame arena excellent. Games are well implemented. All rules managed. No fiddliness. We were able to play 7 players 7 Wonders 3 times in an hour as the site made it so smooth.

Might be a good way for @tomchick to play Quetzal with others here.

Nice! Although that requires synchronous play and Discord is asynchronous.

True. Although some games seem offer asynchronous play. But we were playing real time yesterday, and I haven’t investigated Quetzal. Will check whether it’s one of those when I’m back on the computer.

Well, using the BGG advanced search and asking for board games with the exact range of 2-4 players, I get 50 pages of results. For 2-5 players I…also get 50 pages of results. Conclusive!

Am I missing a joke? You get the same result for 2 to 2 or 2 to 3. It’s just that you have hit the search results limit.

You can be more specific in your search criteria though. Any type of game you are looking for? We could offer suggestions.

Oh, I didn’t realize there was a search results limit. That kinda sucks, I figured if there was any way to tell how many 4-player versus 5-player games there are BGG would be it, but their search isn’t that good.

BGG search has always been useless, and presumably always will be useless. Especially around player count, but also just in general. They redesign the front page every couple of years, but other than that it’s still the same site it was 20 years ago.

I’m totally boggled that nobody else has eaten their lunch in this space.

Plus I put my comment in the wrong thread! Silly me, thinking we were talking about board game player count in the board game thread!

Oh no. Player count is a question board gamers often have to look up. I was simply confused by the phrasing. You can easily find popular games that allow 5 players, but there isn’t a good way to see all of them in one query.

There is a more modern competitor which offers an API and aims to make data more accessible:

Problem is, it doesn’t list as many games as BGG and it doesn’t offer the player count search on the site itself. I haven’t looked at the API. So who knows whether it would answer your query.

Out of curiosity, does anyone else here log their plays and set targets for the year?

I do and I use Board Game Stats (aka BG Stats) on my phone.

The app is fantastic. It lets you:

  • Sync your collection with your boardgamegeek account (if you have one)
  • Record plays and optionally sync them back to BGG (e.g. My January 2021 synced back)
  • Review insights on your week, month, year of boardgaming. What are your favourite games? At what player count? …
  • An optional purchase (I think roughly £1?) lets you enable challenges.

As far as challenges are concerned, I set myself a 10x10 (10 games played 10 times), 365 plays and Old Favourites (replay 5 games that got no plays last year) for 2021. The app automatically updates you on your progress.

It’s gamification on top of boardgaming. But I’ve found the app insights showing me some games had stayed unplayed a while a good excuse to go and revisit them.

Has anyone else got any ongoing self imposed challenges or targets for the year?