Boardgaming in 2017!

Mine’s due to arrive on Friday. Looking forward to it.

I got a Kickstarter update, but not a shipping notification. That said, a) if they’re doing alphabetical by last name, I’ll be way low on the list, and b) the last Kickstarter game I got (Near and Far), I got the ship notice the day after I received the package, and that delivery was unnecessarily delayed by a day by the UPS driver at that.

Mine’s waiting at home for me, apparently.

No email yet for me. It’s it supposed to be alphabetical? I’m a B!

I think it really depends on your local distributor. We seemed to get a distributor physically based in Au for once, so it arrived pretty quickly!

Where other countries have only a few (or a few dozen) addresses to deliver to, in the US there are literally thousands of backers, and clearing that backlog is simply going to take longer than other countries.

I don’t think they’ve said anything about how exactly they’re organizing it. I’m just guessing.

I am really on the fence for this one, it looks so good… and the rules might be solid… But I am still waiting for Nemo’s war to show up. Are there any chances that this Hand of Fate game hits retail??

Gah, everyone’s getting Nemo’s War. I’m so jealous I’m gonna asplode!!!1!


Same. That Kickstarter came right as I was more seriously getting back into boardgames. I looked at it and determined I should be cautious with my funds as there were plenty of published games I should focus on that were readily available. What a dumb thought process.

Anyone know if the retail version of Nemo’s War includes the stretch goals?

It’s the Clapper for dice rolling!

That’s… intriguing.

Well, well. Look what showed up in the mail today.

Nemo’s War! Completely forgot about the kickstarter, and didn’t even see a shipping notice.

Looks gorgeous. Can’t wait to try it out.

I never got my notice but my game made it here Thursday. Looks great just haven’t had a chance to play yet!

Last night we played a 4 player game of Pursuit of Happiness followed by a bunch of 3 player Love Letter rounds. I want to like PoH but man it sure takes a long time to play (2+ hours for us.) It feels like the whole game keys around grabbing the hearts that give drop your Stress a whole level, enabling you to get an extra hourglass or two. I love the card variety though and the gameplay is pretty easy to pick up once a new player has seen a round or two. Maybe the expansion (which I didn’t back on KS) would help out a bit with it, not sure what it adds.

Got mine today too. Took it for a trial run, which ended in ignominious failure. I was using the default difficulty and the suggested Explore motive for a first run and I only had one more event before the finale, but I just wasn’t able to keep the ship population down and the imperial forces won. Partly, this is because jesus, it’s hard to fight warships. They mess you up good before you get to them and they make everything else harder near them, including fighting other warships. You do get a small bonus from doing stalk attacks and with a good crew you can get a +3 bonus, but you’re still talking 50-50 odds most of the time with a decent chance they’ll hurt your crew before you close. It’s a pity, because I was routinely succeeding at my search checks with a 12+ and had hit a number of treasure rewarding events and ships, so I would have had piles of VP if I’d managed to last. Oh well.

Boardgame weekend last week.
Played a slew of games.
I do feel bad as one of the groups ended up playing Terra Mystica with someone new to the game who also likes to rule fuck everything. 6 hours later they finished meanwhile I played Eclipse with 3 players and taught and played a game of yokohama and

Terra Mystica is a lot of fun, and seems really complex until you get down to the basics… how do you, as you put it, rule fuck, that game? I thought the rules were pretty tight?

I have no idea but it was like walking into a morgue when you entered the room. This is the same guy who, god bless him, took 20 minutes to explains Captain Sonar. He’s a good guy, just ap prone and will ask the same question about fifty times. Add to that every player is different and he’ll stop and ask why they didn’t have to do what he did. etc.

Ooh. That’s interesting. My group can be so laid back that someone might say hey I just read such and such in the instructions on page 12. We’ve been playing an hour but I think we’ve been doing it wrong. We evaluate the situation, and determine if we switch to the new correct way from that point on or continue with the old and do it right the next time. That decision is usually less than 5 minutes and it never matters who is winning.

I love Terra Mystica. I wish the PC version had AI for MP. It’s got so much going for it that seems overwhelming but once you get the idea, it’s just about strategy and who you’re playing against.

If you are looking for a cool 4-player strategy deckbuilder, you could do a lot worse than Time of Crisis, Wray Ferrell’s game about teh Romans just now out from GMT. Wray did the amazing four-player-only Sword of Rome so maybe he is some kind of 4-player Roman design genius.