Boardgaming in 2017!

Ok…I bought Gloomhaven. It will apparently arrive sometime in August.

It looks like the designer played Mage Knight, read Tom Chick’s mind (before he wrote his critique lol) and then decided to make a better MageKnight.

I have read a plethora of reviews and the standout for me is that:

  1. the combat is interesting, and better paced and just…better than MageKnight.

  2. choosing when and how to rest is apparently a very tough decision

  3. hand management (ties in to #2) is very interesting

  4. Worldbuilding is apparently amazing, as this is a “legacy” game par excellence (legacy=persistent world if I’m not wrong, something lacking from Mage Knight)

  5. There are more characters (17 here, 11 unlocked after you play the initial 6, versus a total of 8 iirc in Mage Knight, with all expansions), and you can retire characters and apparently have those characters show up again later in another game.

If you’re talking about when the reprint is actually coming out, the current estimate is actually late-September/October.

Yeah the Gloomhaven livejournal said there was a delay.

I read this as “Will Ferrell” and had images of him creating wargames in his trailer between takes on his latest slapstick comedy.

Gloomhaven and Mage Knight are honestly not very similar apart from the fantasy theming and the cards with different elements on the top and bottom. I think it’s probably fair to suggest more people will get into Gloomhaven, but they’re both brilliant and serve different roles in one’s collection. (Though Mage Knight’s seems to be “that game that only comes out for solo play or when you have a whole day spare”. )

Preordered this from miniature market purely on this recommendation alone. Read the rules PDF and it looks really good. Do you know if GMT is shipping preorders to the online stores?

@agapepilot I don’t know what GMT’s shipping schedule for this game is, but based on the experience I had with a local brick-and-mortar retailer that also did a lot of online business when I lived in North Carolina, the lag between shipping P500 orders and shipping to retailers was about a month.

Hope you like the game! We are getting together for another session here.

@Brooski yeah the preorder info states it releases in July, hopefully that’s early July! How would you say this compares to something like Triumph and Tragedy? My group likes that game’s balance of strategic depth and card-driven simplicity, it makes for a great war game for those of us who aren’t hardcore war gamers.

I discovered The Lost Expedition totally by chance (on amazon), a nice little coop game (without traitor) where the goal is to find Z. the lost city or El Dorado (?) in the jungle …
I love the oversized cards, they are very similar to the Adventures of Tin Tin … the game is solid and “fun” ( I have yet to reach the city after 4 plays)

There’s an Adventures of Tintin game? Why does nobody tell me anything?

I meant the graphical style, it really looks like those old comics…

Ordered this from England 15 days ago…said shipping would take 10-12 days…wish it would get here…at leas I have “A Feast for Odin” on the table.

Sharing an absolute surprise hit – Ascending Empires

My gaming group has an appetite for fairly heavy games like Caverna, Cthulhu Wars, Kemet. We play the likes of King of Tokyo and Tiny Epic Games for lighter breaks. Until a few sessions ago we had never seen nor played a dexterity game but had fun with Terror in Meeple City and on the back of that, gave the 4X + finger flicking game Ascending Empires a go.

It was funny, compelling, engaging, entertaining and bounced high on the must play again list.

The way it blends meaningful strategic and tactical choices with finger flicking shenanigans is truly a marvel. There is a tech tree to pursue and a limit of how much of it you can possibly complete. Do you go balanced across the movement, defence, production or offence themed threes or focus on just one or two of them for higher tier benefits? Do you develop whatever is easiest based on the planets nearby you or go in search of those that enable your preferred research? I spent a big chunk of the game locked into combat over a purple planet I needed to advance my defence tree and could possibly have done much better by adapting my strategy instead.

As you spread across the galaxy you also make choices about where to build research bases, colonies and cities. Where and when you do this really matters. Deploy cities prior to upgrading production tech that gives you bonus units on city creation and you’ll get fewer benefits but with the trade-off that your planets with cities can defend themselves pretty well. Build research bases prior to developing the defence tech that adds defence for them and you make them a prime target for attack but if they aren’t, you might be able to rush research.

One playthrough is just enough to glimpse the deceptive depth underneath the finger flicking mechanic. As for that, wow. Maybe a little skill, maybe a lot of luck, but nothing more so than die-rolling and less arbitrary. Plus deciding what to try to do whilst also taking into account your skill or lack of it presents challenging tactical dilemmas. Take the easy route of ramming an enemy ship to ensure mutual destruction? Try to blockade a nearby enemy planet to prevent it being used as a launch pad for aggression against you? Maybe try and take out that vulnerable research base on a more distant planet? Maybe just manoeuvre to defend your own space and avoid outright conflict for a while?

The guy that won our first game was the first to get to a defence tech that granted 2 VPs whenever one of his ships was rammed. Mistakes happen, and he got a whole bunch of VPs once the galaxy was filled up and conflict escalated.

I was so taken with this I’ve looked into other similar games, with Catacombs and Flick Em Up both looking promising.

Any Londoners reading this? Our gaming group has space for a few new die rollers. We game in the Canada Water SE London Area on weekends and typically play for most of a day on Saturday or Sunday. Newcomers welcome, ping me!

Ascending Empires is a terrific little game. Would recommend substituting glass beads for the small ships. They are about the same size and more accurate and fun to flick.

I’ll agree. I like both AE and Catacombs (I have the first edition of that with the mediocre art), and everyone that I’ve shown the latter to has enjoyed it a lot. The only downside of AE is that the boards don’t fit together perfectly, but it isn’t that a big of a deal.

If I had the space, I once had the idea of making a full-size table for one/both of the games using shuffleboard pieces- I know someone who build a shuffleboard table out of an old section of bowling lane. It’d have to be the size of a pool table, though, when you scale everything up, and I really don’t have the space for that.

Not a londoner, I am in Milton Keynes. Transport is easy enough and I have some spare time next week so I - tentatively- would be interested in geeking out to some boardgames. I love the hobby but tend to play with just the missus…

There is a shared Google calendar and the group meets every so often (once or twice a month) when a certain number of players can make it.

It’s a very friendly group. While real life has been conspiring in various cruel ways to keep me away from the meets. I’m always looking forward to the rare ones I can attend.

Hoping to get to meet you (and maybe the missus?) there.

I got an email from VPG saying Nemo’s War: Second Edition will be on sale on their website on 7/15.

I am at DiceTowerCon and was able to play the full retail version of Thunderstone Quest releasing in November. I Kickstarted it and will get more yummy bits, but if you hesitated like I did in backing it and then went ahead hoping it would be some more of the same with improved mechanics and some new, extra mechanics, you will not be disappointed. The improvements and additions all worked seamlessly in adding additional options and FUN. Now I am anxious for November where I was patient before.

I’ve got Nemo’s War, Cruel Necessity, The Lost Expedition,and 2 of the Hoplomachus games coming.

I dont like to play in the summer as I’d rather be outside since the summer is so short up here in PNW but it’s going to be tough not ripping these games open.