Boardgaming in 2020: the year of the, uh, post-minis era? We can only hope!

I’m tempted but I think I still prefer the rathskeller.

Yes and yes. It doesn’t have to be exceptionally difficult, but one where strategy and smart play will win the vast majority of the time. I’ll take a look at the two you mention, thanks!

Hmmm, I don’t think so. I’m not terribly cut throat, as in taking joy from screwing her over, but I do like to pick the play that I think is the smart one. We used to play Dominion a ton and she liked that one at the time. We would choose the cards to include in the game randomly and she hated when the witch or the other offensive card was included. We sometimes vetoed it, but sometimes we kept it in. Maybe we need to break that one out again. I’ll also look into your suggestions, thanks!

I don’t really know of a particular theme that she really goes for. That said, I don’t think she is particularly against any theme either. As far as co-op games go she likes Pandemic, Too Many Bones and Gloomhaven. I think she may like to stay away form super hero games. Lord of the Rings may work fine, I’ll check it out. She isn’t a big fan or anything, but wouldn’t be against it. Thanks for the suggestion!

I’ll look that one up, thanks!

If you do get it, make sure you get the Essential Edition, which includes some mini-expansions and the solo AI. That way you can still play even if the wife dislikes it ;). Ultimately, the game is just a race to get the most points – I don’t think there are actions you can take that are deliberately harmful to an opponent.

Gah. I just blew up my own game of Arkham Noir by accident. I closed a huge case and accidentally shuffled the case cards into the discard deck for no reason whatsoever. Except for key clues, the majority of the case is supposed to go into its own pile. I had 3 clues at that point and felt like I was closing in on a win.

Oh well.

You can try the Essential Edition free on Tabletopia, it even has a setup for solo mode.

Well, my resistance crumbled this morning. With all these stretch goals it’s an even better deal than the headline price, and I’ve been meaning to replace my hand-me-down dining table for a while anyway. I figure this will go well with my other recent Kickstarter extravagance, Frosthaven, as I can just leave it set up underneath the leaves. No more projects for the rest of the year, though, I swear.

Oh wow. Awesome. Looking forward to hearing about it. I’m not sure I’ll be able to resist a proper gaming table forever.

On the plus side, the fancy office chair I’ve been eyeing for months is out of stock (funnily enough, everyone seems to be buying them right now), so that’s one temptation removed.

I’ve had similar trauma with the Transforming Designs table, which also stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from Kickstarter backers. I’m done with both Kickstarter and gaming tables as a result. I don’t think there’s anything that can turn me around on them.

I’d normally agree, but this is a company (and table) that was around before the project. There’s no reason to think they won’t be able to deliver, except obviously for the general economic uncertainty, which you’d have thought the Kickstarter funds would help with. I’d been debating buying a non-kickstarted table from them for a while.

Agreed. Geeknson have a solid reputation and have been around for a while. This is just an EU preorder system for that table.

Not to dissuade anyone from backing, but Rathskeller has a table coming to KS next week. The Megan looks amazing but is a little too small for me at 5 1/2 feet for the largest option. That’s foot shorter than my current table. Still very nice option for most I suspect.

I actually backed the smaller version, as my current table, which is almost identical in size to the 6-8 person table, is really too big for my apartment.

I had a look at the Rathskellers table before backing and to be honest it looks a bit crappy, certainly in comparison to their other tables or the Megan. As a budget option, it’s probably decent (though I don’t know if they’ve said what price they’re going for yet and their other tables certainly aren’t cheap).


. . . . okay, if I throw in that any table I am going to buy has to be pretty easily collapsible so I can convert my game room into a spare bedroom without tools or more than about 10 minutes, that rules out all these options right? Right? Right?

Without tools, right. I know the legs come off the Geeknson one, but I’m fairly confident you’ll need at least an Allen key.Haven’t seen any confirmation on the Rathskellers one, but it certainly looks like the legs will come off. Maybe just by twisting them?

Can you not do the same with the table that’s already in there?

Sofa bed in the living room. Dedicated gaming room with gaming table. Sorted. :)

I mean, the sofa does recline…

Why has nobody made a bed that doubles as a gaming space? Untapped market.

Ginger, Where did you see a photo? I haven’t seen one yet. They weren’t showing it off.