Body modification

I hated mine, the plaque buildup on it was crazy, and had it removed. Though I think the spirit of this thread is more non-functional mods for aesthetic purposes. Maybe straighter teeth could be argued as aesthetic though, so, carry on =)

I think my next tattoo will be a claddagh with my two Daughters initials worked into the design.

That’s cute, Griddle. :)

I’ve been tempted to get a simple black gear (COG) on my other forearm. I’ve been resisting the voice inside my head that keeps telling me how awesome it would be.

Might I ask the significance of that, and why you’re resisting it?

Might I ask the significance of that, and why you’re resisting it?

I mean the COG from Gears of War. Not the full skull logo, just the gear shape around the outside of it. Gears has done a lot for me and it seems like something that’s part of me now.

I’m resisting it because, well, it’s another tattoo … I already have one but I’m not looking to start a collection.

That would mess with me since presumably their initials will change when they get married. After that point it would just annoy me for being out of date. But I have issues with those sorts of things.

I’d like a thin, small LCD under my skin that displays health information, caller ID when someone calls my cell phone, and the time with alarm functionality. I would then accept a tattoo around it as a bezel.

Until something like that comes along Im not interested.

Ah, fair enough, that sounds pretty cool. And yeah, I can see the urge to resist, when I got my first one, people told me it was addictive, and as I plan out my third, I realize they’re right. ^_^

A tattoo from a smegging video game. And a particularly dumb one at that. Of course you shouldn’t get a tattoo of that.

A tattoo from a smegging video game. And a particularly dumb one at that. Of course you shouldn’t get a tattoo of that.

Your input is valued.

Yeah, just that dumb videogame that fuels his livelihood, can’t understand why that would be important at all.

Pfft, a tattoo is a personal choice, so let him get what he wants. I mean one of my tats is from a TV show, so whatevs.

I was thinking of doing the GUID from the first product I shipped from whiteboard to market, but the politics of V2 made me reconsider.

The addictive part is correct, if I was rich, rest assured I’d be covered from head to toe in awesome reminders.

Also, I was thinking about getting this on my back about the size of a basketball diameter or so.


Just never, ever get your kids faces on your back or chest or arms. That never looks good!

If we’re going with that angle, then a simple “WAGE SLAVE” would be more timeless.

What are you so angry about? Geez, all I said was I thinking about getting a tattoo…

That’s why I opted for the Claddagh. :)

My boss’s girlfriend (who is also a co-worker and the de facto ‘cover girl’ for our organization) has a large full-color tattoo of Samus Aran on her calf. I will be the first to admit a “Bwah?” reaction and yes, it’s weird-looking. But she’s still hot so that totally makes up for it.

I personally have a “no tattoos or piercings” rule for myself, on the logic that I’ve had my epidermis punctured, lacerated, and pierced so often unintentionally that I have no desire to pursue it of my own free will.