Body modification

Last night I watched a documentary on Netflix called Modify, which talked about people who modify their bodies in various extreme ways. They did a good job, I thought, of discussing the artistic and aesthetic reasons that people get tattoos, piercings, scarification, and implants, including “mainstream” plastic surgeries: tummy tucks, boob jobs, etc.

We’ve talked briefly about games tattoos before, but what body mods do you have (that are interesting)?

Nothing interesting. I have an eye brow piercing and a tattoo on my left inside forearm. I used to have ear rings but I don’t wear them anymore.

I have 2 tattoos, and two piercings, the top piercing is about 10 gauge, and the bottom one is Zero gauge with a eyelet made from thin silicone, it’s very comfortable to sleep on IMO. I got bored and put a 4 gauge captive bead ring in the silicone eyelet.

Anime tattoo. But everyone has a tattoo these days, so I’m pretty sure it will be the “weird thing old people did in the 90s-00s” in 20 years.

No tatoo’s, no body modifications outside of a haircut and shave.

Yeahhhh… no.

My favorite part is how people recoil upon seeing a decent sized hole in someones ear lobe, it’s not as if folks start out with a pinkey-sized hole in their ear, you need to stretch the piercing up to that size.

I’ve never understood body mods, it just seems like extra hassle just for a ‘look-at-me’ peacock effect. For any guy who does physical activities, it seems like a huge hassle. But then I’m pretty au naturale fellow who doesn’t even like putting product in his hair.

One of my co-workers back when i was a kid had pierced both his nipples and his groin, and even though we were just working retail, he still had to limp his way to the bathroom a few times because one of the piercings would catch on his clothing. He also would proudly tell me how he was pissing blood for a few days after the groin piercing.

My favorite part is how people recoil upon seeing a decent sized hole in someones ear lobe, it’s not as if folks start out with a pinkey-sized hole in their ear, you need to stretch the piercing up to that size.

I recoil a little simply because I don’t really like that look, but to each his own…

I have pierced ears, but that’s not really that unusual for a girl. :p

I have a few different scars. None of them were on purpose, though, so that doesn’t much count.

I have an adamantine skeleton.

Pics or it didn’t happen, weapon X…

Same here. I do shave my head but that’s because I’m mostly bald anyway.

Large tattoo on my left shoulder, and a brand a bit lower down.

I’m afraid I can’t do it. Not because of my health, for a change, but because at one point in college I had a communications class with this proto-douche who worked for some guy named Shaman Bear who hangs guys from meathooks for a living and, presumably, does a lot of drugs. I feel obligated not to be like that guy in any way that I can, which is really going to suck when I start losing my hair and I can’t shave my head.

I have a permanent retainer on my bottom front teeth. Take that.

Nothing, aside from shaving my head. I’ve always liked the idea of a tattoo, but I’ve never liked an image long enough to have it etched on my skin forever (though its not really permanent these days). Occasionally I’ll doodle up some design or find some symbol and think “that would make a great tattoo” and I’ll set the image next to my desk, and within a few weeks I’ll find myself thinking “you know, not so much” and happy I didn’t run get it inked.

Someday, maybe…

I have two tattoos, one on my chest and one on my upper right arm, planning a third for my upper left arm within the next few months. Can’t wait. ^_^