Bond 24: SPECTRE (2015)

Short behind the scenes video released.

And it’s teaser trailer time!

I’ve got to say… I love the feel of this. The follow-up nature straight from Skyfall. I’m hoping it doesn’t directly fall into some tired old tropes about mysterious origins and not-your-real-family type of crap (and hopefully not a Shield-Hydra thing either).

— Alan

We’ll see if there have been rewrites, but a lot of info leaked about the script points to some serious issues. But, teaser looks good. Cast is great.


It can’t have villains with grand idiotic plans and be clever at the same time, they should pick one of the two and stick with it.

New, full trailer shown this morning. Looks amazing, but I’m a big fan of Craig’s run as Bond so my opinion may not be trusted. :)

MY GOD that looks great. I too am a massive fan of Craig, so this looks to be fantastic.

Agreed! I know what I’m doing to celebrate my birthday this year–watching this!

Oh–and you know who can’t be trusted? Anyone who’s not a big fan of Craig’s run as Bond. Heh.

Hum. Lots of big vehicles doing ponderous vehicle things, trying hard to prove to you it’s not CG, but it feels like a fairly traditional stern action movie of the turn of the century, only crisper.

I think it’s time for a slow, mysterious, abstract Bond with less gunplay and more shadows. Or, a full blown camp satire spoof that brings us back the crazy glory that is OctoPussy or Moonraker. But this… I dunno. The preview already gave me my fill, I think. (I was bored of Skyfall after the first few minutes, and then at the end, it actually got pretty stupid, so that’s where I stand, I guess.)

You could just re-watch all three Austin Powers movies.

Sort of. The first “No One Lives Forever” had the tone I’m thinking about (the sequel didn’t). Where Bond or Kate was actually playing it straight despite the goofiness of the baddies and situations, etc.

Loved the subtle re-working of the John Barry themes (from OHMSS for instance) for the trailer, wonder if they’ll make it into the movie.

— Alan

Non-IGN version:

First we have to replace Daniel Craig with Rupert Everett

For some reason I only now just realized that the older guy was Mr. White.

— Alan

Yes, I was noticing that myself. I didn’t comment because I didn’t think anyone shared my fascination with Mr. White, wonder if he’ll get away this time.

Finally a real fucking James Bond movie again. Been waiting for almost ten years since Casino Royal came out.

What could make you so certain from a trailer alone it’s going to do whatever you think Quantum and Skyfall didn’t?

Yeah, I have no idea what he means, either. CR was a bold reinvention of the whole franchise, that got a ton of critical praise (and financial, I think?). They pretty much threw all that out the window with the sequels, though, and brought back a’ll the tired Bond tropes. Skyfall was a little better than Quantum, but mostly because that movie was such a steaming pile (exploding hotel, wtf?).

The trailer looks very much in the vein of Casino Royal IMO, and not the last two. Ditching the overbearing moping Bond and giving the badass super spy that made Bond what it originally was. This trailer looks like the movie that should have followed CR.