Book of Demons, aka Paper Diablo

Check with @KristiGaines she was considering getting it.

Hmmm. I hadn’t been paying attention to this at all, but now I’m supremely interested. I’m going to go watch Tom’s stream to see if it’s my bag.

Yeah, that is a major conceit for this particular game. It just feels so constricting at the beginning, but you do get used to it.

The Game of Crows achievement is the bestest of all achievements in the history of forever!

I’m just playing the demo but I’ve got to say, the weird inconsistencies in the abstraction here kind of bother me. Why can my warrior stab enemies with a sword from half a screen away, but they can’t do the same? Worse, why can I kill an exploding zombie that way, and then because I somehow stabbed him from half a screen away I’m not caught in the blast? The on-rails movement (which this is an artifact of, I think) is also pretty off-putting.

I like the look, and I love the idea of an ARPG with deck building elements (does this really have that, though, or are the cards just a substitute for a hot bar?). I’m not sure about the implementation.

The cards are a substitute for the hot bar, but it provides some interesting opportunities. For instance, you can find variant versions of the cards, upgrade the cards, etc., and of course swap them out based on the situation.

Thanks for the clarification (I haven’t really got a sense of that from the demo). There’s no, per se, deck building involved though - right?

My current frustration with Hand of Fate 2 has me looking for a game with fun deck building that doesn’t irritate the hell out of me…

Not in the sense of deckbuilding you mean, no. Tried Slay the Spire?

I’ll take it if available, please!

Been keeping an eye on it, certainly. I tend to wait for EA stuff til it’s out (or about to be out) of EA.

Played first few levels, love the aesthetic, not sure on the gameplay yet. How do I use the cards that don’t have a number key associated with them? Why don’t they have keys? What’s the deal with retreating? It said to right click or something, I missed it.


You have to put cards on your action bar to use them.

If they don’t have a number key then I believe that means that they’re passive abilities.

It’s the one from last night. It doesn’t appear to be uploaded yet, though.

SadleyBradley is right that it’s not posted yet, but there are ways to back-door that:


Really digging this so far. I am being swarmed by a horde of monsters with different abilities, and have been forced to think about my loadout and choice of upgrades very carefully. Fun risk/reward with the cauldron. Absolutely love the ability to decide how long my delve is gonna take- this game definitely respects players with limited gaming time.

Seconding the Flexiscope! LOVE how you can plan your gaming session out down to just a few minutes if you’ve just got a few minutes to spare. Awesome idea executed well.

Can the coupon be gotten more than once if I want to gift this game to friends and family?