Borderlands 3 - More cel-shaded loot

If it’s stressing you out, I can stop posting them. Was trying to be helpful.

I appreciate the codes and consider them helpful, thank you!

Nah. I’m not stressed. If I miss them while at work, so be it.


Nah, keep 'em coming. It’s our responsibility to deal with the world, and I for one do appreciate the postings. I can ignore 'em if I want to!

Or like I said originally, make a Golden Key a reward for doing some difficult mission variant or challenge in the game! You kill the final boss, the boss drops a Golden Key, and the chest functions as the boss’ loot table.

But just giving away purples and oranges for nothing more than slavishly following Randy Pitchford’s Twitter feed at all hours of the day, is like the opposite of good design.

My bitch is with Epic not you!

I think you mean with Gearbox.

Is the game actually balanced to assume that you’re using Golden Keys? I’m explicitly not, and one thing I’ve found annoying is how often I run out of ammo, but maybe that’s just because my weapons aren’t as good as they could be so my DPS is low?

You aren’t alone.

I rarely had this issue in the previous games, so its probably a thing they will have to tweak.

I will still pick this up and play it eventually, but that is a bit of a bummer about the ammo and the Golden Key issues again.

With Borderlands 2 the world drops were so awful when I played it that the only way I had fun and felt I could progress and compete fairly was to use Golden Keys every so often so that my guns weren’t so woefully underpowered. This could be a little that I am not the best player, but once you got used to the power scale that a consistent supply of purple/orange weapons would give you, it was hard to just ignore it and go back to green/blues as you leveled up.

Also, there is nothing worse than running out of ammo in the middle of an area you are trying to clear. I don’t mind so much having to switch a weapon here and there to get through a large area, or during boss fights, but if I can’t actually use my favorite types of weapons due to consistent ammo shortage, that would just frustrate the heck out of me.

I am curious as to the viability of a sniper build, or primarily sniper rifle usage. My most fun in Borderlands 1 and 2 has always been as a sniper!

FL4K sniper build is probably one of the most powerful paths to success right now.

Moze’s Iron Bear is a life saver, especially once buffed.

As to ammo, I haven’t had too much trouble. I run out of certain types, but there always seems to be beaucoup bullets lying around. The game seems to demand you sprint, or preferably sprint-slide, from crate to crate during combat, siphoning up ammo. Doing that, which also keeps you moving and less vulnerable, I don’t generally lack for bullets.

I will agree in general that there needs to be more vending machines in areas. Many places have one set at the very beginning, then nothing else.

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback.

As a player who played and loved Krieg, I am very happy that not only is a sniper build like on top marks right now, but a melee build is not only viable, but damn near unkillable if geared properly. Amaya may be my favorite Siren at this point. As a jack of all trades she does guns well, elemental very well and crowd control well. She excels at Melee though. Love that.

I agree with everyone about them completely misreading why people didn’t do the DLC characters in BL2. It wasn’t because people don’t like new things (Hello D3 or PoE), it was that people don’t like cut scenes. not after the first time. Not ever. Gamers do not ever want to see your cut scene a second time. This is 98% accurate. Why developers still don’t pick up on this fact is just beyond me. Is there some technical multiplayer issue at play? Are they that invested in their cutscenes that they want you to suffer them every time? I don’t know what it is, but the cutscenes and dialog chains in BL3 are very long at times. I imagine you could cut 30% of a speedy playthrough on a new character by just adding a skip button.

The actual playthrough of the areas would be fine if they just… made… a… skip button!

Nah. I still wouldn’t want to deal with the gimped inventory and low ammo count in levels 1-20 again. At least not for a long time.

Once you beat the campaign, that stuff should carry over across characters.

Please, from your lips to Pitchford’s ears. I wanted to play around with the other three characters but I just can’t do it.

BL2 at least has an unofficial save editor, you can change class with that:

There is a BL3 trainer already, so you can in effect make another level 50. It also includes Exp and infinite inventory and ammo…