Broken Forum vanished

If I may be permitted to necro this thread just to vent for a minute:

I recently got banned from BF. I wasn’t participating in very many threads, generally because of the pile-on that would invariably happen. I expressed divisive opinions on hot-button topics like:

Is Nintendo Doomed? (my opinion: no);
Is Google Sheets a good-enough replacement for Excel for most people (my opinion: yes);

and the thread which got me suspended and eventually banned:

Did you like or dislike The Last Jedi? (my opinion: dislike).

After the piling on in the Last Jedi thread, I was banned for two weeks. After the ban ended, I messaged Lum and asked:

  1. What rules did I specifically violate to deserve a ban?
  2. What can I do in the future to avoid this?
  3. Who else was banned at the same time?

The response I got was (paraphrasing): “I have zero interest in pointing out the many ways in which you aggravated people on that thread.” And when I asked again about what rules I violated, I was permanently banned. So, I was banned for asking why I was banned.

Look, I know I can be argumentative. I’m just amazed that no one notices the piling on over there, and everyone seems to be okay with it.

Thanks for letting me vent!