Broken Forum vanished

Personally, I’m not suggesting anything of the sort. But there do seem to be specific problems on the other forum that lead to users piling on, and not recognizing that they’re constantly piling on.

Only party-approved humor will be tolerated, comrade!

I didn’t go out in a blaze of glory or anything. I think my account there is still active. I just realized that, at some point, I was likely to attract the attention of the Purity Brigade and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. It’s a shame, too; I really like whichever forum software they’re using and the fact that they have dedicated let’s play fora. Still, their right to determine what sort of community they want (and mine to call it a Paranoia-esque dystopia).

That is indeed some sweet, sweet forum software. You should show it to wumpus.

Yeah, it has likes, which are really sweet! I wonder why Discourse doesn’t have likes? They’ve gone to shit since they sold out to Qualcomm.

That’s what we grogs do. I wander over there occasionally for a quick lurk check, and see nothing there but a watered-down version of the content I’m interested in. I’m more or less sure that the denizens of The Other Board have little or no interest in my posting (e.g. similar to here), so I don’t bother.

I don’t know so much that it’s a problem as such, but I think it’s plain to everybody that Qt3 skews old and male. For anyone who comes here that isn’t an old man this place may seem like the most uninteresting corner of the Internet. And I couldn’t blame them.

But Qt3 and it’s denizens are mostly tolerant of my inability to stay on topic and my use of bad puns, so I stick around. I joined up with Broken Forum back around its inception but I just kind of drifted away. Mostly because I just don’t know that there’s room in my life for more than one forum.

But as I’ve said over there, I appreciate that they’ve managed to make a place that welcomes women, much better than we have, and that’s worth calling attention to I think.

That’s the problem I ran into also. There’s so much overlap in the discussion that I don’t need to go to two places, and the stuff that seems to be unique to BF isn’t much of a draw.

I don’t really want to increase the amount of time I spend browsing forums, or the internet itself.

That’s easily the reason for choosing one or the other. You’re getting similar discussion both places. If you really want another forum, go to for more console focused discussion with a younger membership or for Retro games talk.

Uninteresting to young people perhaps, but not unwelcoming. And that’s important.

Your taste in music, however… :-|

What do you mean? I love music, it’s my favorite thing to listen to in the elevator!

If you say so, but I don’t see it as a meaningful distinction. But I don’t necessarily knock Qt3 for being what it is, it’s a place with a definite identity and for some of us, it’s as much a second home as Cheers was to Norm. Lots of people would check out what’s going on here and pass right on by, and that’s just as well. No sense beating your head against the wall trying to change a bunch of old farts.

Qt3 has some huge issues but the trigger points here are very well understood by regulars and so can be easily contained. Still there are people who have left by choice or fiat i wish we’re still here. The whole “wumpus may or may not be stalking you by looking at your PM through his understanding of the code, and his sense of entitlement having spent a bunch of money on Qt3” thing is a pretty hard knock against it right now.

I think i’ve grown and/or gotten older and stupider my posting has improved. Generally i just don’t try hard (#intentionaljoke) as it’s clear that in a world of Twitter, if ya wanna make a book-sized post instead of a couple of sentences, getcha self a blog.

I stopped posting at BF because it was clear I wasn’t welcome there. Even at the cold, Neptunian distances i orbited the place at, some had developed - to my surprise - something like a personal dislike of me, despite almost always deliberately posting in as non-personal and non-committal as possible. I’m sure i also came across badly at times. Not that dealing with “release the Kraken” pile-ons doesn’t exasperate and make me want to fight back; but when no one is listening it doesn’t actually matter what you say. It took a while but i eventually got the hint.

IMO the basic problems of BF was a dire “but actually” justification of bad behavior by some of the thought leaders who were happy to encourage crucifying posters who “deserved” it at one moment and then collectively clutch their pearls at the merciless culture they inadvertently fostered the next. At the same time posters conflating hating someone and that that person actually being bad in real life and therefore a threat. In their defense, i could have never imagined the internet would have turned out to be so virulently misogynistic - but, otoh, they were the cutting edge assholes before that stuff hit the wider culture anyway. They were a powderkeg of sensibilities right when the world blew up in a million nazi-shaped sparks.

Most of the people who perpetuated the behavior that so annoyed them at Qt3 actually went to BF; Qt3 post-split is a pretty chill place by and large. The sad narrative of BF is a bunch of people wanting to make a safe space in a cruel world - a very admirable goal - and BF would be perfect except these fucking posters that you wont fucking ban that said something to me that i can’t fucking stand and now i hate hate hate so much!!! is ruining our forum and making everything horrible!!!

At this point were all getting old and slowly busting and the fires of youth have cooled. I hope they’ve managed to make their paintings full of happy trees.

I have never looked at anyone’s PMs unless they were sent to me. If you are worried about it, there is a feature in the site settings that @stusser can turn on which logs the fact that a PM was looked at by staff (who, obviously, aren’t already in the to: list for the PM already).

I can’t recall who originally said that, but it was someone who was butthurt about some argument that was going on, and felt that was a good way to cast aspersions. In related news, Endigm might or might not be sending me violent, racist emails. Who is to say? Who can know, really?

Well that’s good to hear then. I think it was amandachen that left over that.

No, that was a reaction to a reply of mine in whatever the pirate thing was, where I said I hated spammers with the fire of a billion suns. You can look it up if you are curious.

If anything it was “if a new user is strongly suspected of being a spammer…” which to my mind is strong probable cause (of checking someone’s IP address location). But as stated, I’ll just privately nag the fuck out of Tom and Stusser and Telefrog in the future until they take action.

Still pissed off about that, actually, because that guy was so obviously a shill.

What’s a women? Is it on console or PC?



Yikes, I hope that’s not true. No one can see your PMs without logging into your account, and everyone with admin access – me, Telefrog, and stusser – can see what everyone else with admin access is doing. Wumpus has admin access to maintain the forum software and the server, but he will not be logging into anyone’s account, doxxing anyone’s IP address, moderating, closing accounts, sending warnings, responding to flags, giving user titles, or anything else that an admin would do. His admin access is strictly for technical help, and that’s been clear from the beginning. We had one unfortunate incident where he thought he was being helpful by outing a spammer’s IP address, but that won’t happen again. As for his financial support, it’s $1 a month to my Patreon campaign, presumably so he can enjoy my occasional game giveaways, since he’s notoriously parsimonious when it comes to game purchases. And in the interest of full disclosure, he also sent me a yo-yo that I can’t work.


EDIT: Gah, I posted this before I saw that wumpus had replied. Anyway, what wumpus said.

It was you. The fact that you’ve deleted the post in which you says it, even if it WAS a joke, is quite odd. But hey, its what you do. Make crazy statements, delete stuff, and then make up stuff about who said what, because hey, you can delete and change whatever the hell you want.