BSG 36 - A Friend in Need... maybe

(That comes after a roll)

I’m playing my Tactics 3SP here.

Ah, of course.

So please delete that while I wait for this meeting to end so I can make the roll and move this bird forward.

They found the secret diaries wishing for death. So they put the Admiral in protective care.

At least thats what they called it, in reality it meant they shoved her in the Brig and told Starbuck she was in charge.

Roll 1+2=3

@rowe33 to Brig, @Perky_Goth is now Admiral

Reactor Critical

@soondifferent you start.

Hey, at least it isn’t raider activation team human.

On the one hand, plenty of fuel in the tank, and enough treachery. On the other, how much fuel is in the ships who will blow up on soons turn?

There is only one civilian ship with a single fuel loss in the game.

There may be other sources of fuel loss in play, but only one civvie.

@soondifferent I definitely am onboard for stepping on the raiders on your turn. Shame @Knightsaber can’t stomp on them after you but he had that thing to take care of and maybe he can fish for a good crisis with activation.

I don’t think I have time to jump back over there.

Also I can do far better than that.

I agree

I am excited!

I see glorious opportunities ahead. 0 card @Knightsaber

(EDIT changed 1 card to 0 card)

1 card @Perky_Goth

Remind me when your turn comes around that we might be able to coordinate something fun

1 card

Who are you speaking of, again?

tap tap @Snebmi?


(might work)


Wait that’s wrong. That might work too, though.

Helloooo Snebmi.