Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Infinite infinite

The Drop Zone playlist they’re running now is awesome for multiplayer. Hold a king of the hill style point on the map and you’ll be able to grab scorestreaks as they’re brought in. Every scorestreak is available in this mode so you get to mess with stuff you may not be able to reach in a regular multiplayer game.

There’s a lot of strategy involved and knowing the hill rotation helps to lock it down. I’ve had a blast with it since the weekend. It runs until Friday.

So I prepurchased the PS4 digital deluxe version of this game and never really got around to playing it. It now won’t let me play any of the DLC, it says to purchase the Season Pass. Since I own the season pass it won’t let me buy it again. Help?

From their forums, I was able to surmise that the DLC just came out, and lots of people are having similar issues. Someone also pointed out that they were able to search for Sabotage DLC at the PS Store and then download it from there. Others can’t seem to get that to work. But it might be issues that might get ironed out later today or tomorrow maybe?

ok, thanks

Here’s how you know sales weren’t great. Activision is still talking about Black Ops 3 performance in their investor call, rather than Infinite Warfare.

The rep did say they’re “going back to the roots” of the franchise, and that the space setting of this game “didn’t resonate” as well as they had hoped.

Also, as an aside, it’s interesting that Black Ops 3 made more money in 2016 through the loot crate microtransactions than the maps packs or season pass.

Rumor is that the next CoD is set in World War 2, which fits with Activision saying the next game would be returning to its roots. I’m looking forward to that. I still mean to check out Infinite Warfare eventually, what with it being a space sim and all (partially).

Having a blast in the Infinite Warfare campaign :) Definitely more enjoyable than any COD since its early days. Like Assassin’s Creed, they just had to add ships for a breath of fresh air. I wish like AC they would use one series for a back to basics approach (WW2 again, really?) and another to develop their cool space-fighter spin off.

A move that should surprise no one at all:

Forty bucks? Yeah no thanks.

LOL. Even better? It’s a timed exclusive on PS4 for 30 days!

Fuck right off Activision.

Alright, that made me laugh out loud too.

But seriously, I don’t care about the timed exclusivity and the price. I’ve waited this long to avoid buying it in a bundle with Infinite Infinite, so why not wait until it’s $15 and on Xbox, so I can play through one of my favorite games again and double dip on achievements?

(Apparently when I arbitrarily made my top 100 list, I decided that Modern Warfare is my 37th favorite game of all time).

I bought this from a Redbox, used, for $10 on my way home from grocery shopping.

My excuse: I have to eventually play all Space Sims. Even ones inside Call of Duty games.

I bought this a while back and haven’t played it either. Every time I see it on the pile I think, I need to play that sometime. Then I think of something else to play.