Calling covid-19 the "Wuhan Flu"

Yeah, I’ve heard this prank called a lot of things - but never that. I think we called it Ding Dong Dash.

We called that Knock Down Ginger, which surprisingly for a British tradition doesnt involve racism or colonialism.

Ooh, “dogwhistle”, extra points.

I doubt anyone will see the humor in this, as I do, I had seen memes and posts of it here and there, and I was puzzled a bit. Isn’t this the game we played as kids, where if you looked at the circle, you had to jam a finger in it or suffer a punch to the shoulder? How the heck is that making such a comeback?

Now I know, the OK sign is forbidden now.Or at least, if you use it, you will be branded a racist.

And if I was wanting to troll, you’d know it. Isn’t there a Liberals also say and do stupid shit thread here? I don’t think I’ve ever posted in it.

Look, I hear what you’re saying. I find some things here offensive too, but what I find offensive is in the minority.

I would hope even though we disagree, you understand I see a plain difference between some well-established slurs and something that’s just recently been handed down from above and the paint’s not dry.

My brothers and I grew up calling it Ding Dong Ditch`em.


The flip side of that is that racists shouldn’t be allowed to co-opt common hand gestures. There’s nothing intrinsically racist about an OK sign, I’m not sure why we’re conceding it to the Nazis. They’ve been trying to claim thumbs up, too. Speaking as someone that has frequently used both of those gestures for his entire life it pisses me off that they’re being surrendered to these shitheads.

Furthermore, the whole reason they’re co-opting them is so that they can express faux-innocence like Neal did upthread and generate outrage among folks who genuinely haven’t noticed. I hate to admit it, but it’s an effective tactic.

No. Coronavirus is a specific type of virus, just like influenza virus or rabies virus (both of which also have animal reservoirs). Coronavirus gets its name from its crown-like spikes.

It’s true that there is more than one strain of coronavirus, just like there is more than one strain of influenza virus. Unless you are writing for a scientific journal, you can safely write about the flu or about coronavirus without specifying the strain.

But if you insist on precision, this year you can use AH1N1/AH3N2 when referring to flu and SARS-CoV2 when referring to coronavirus.

I confirm that this was the term used in Maryland and West Virginia in my youth. Also, sadly, the term was also used for the practice of driving around at night looking for people of color to attack.

I’ve said this before, but way back in the late 80s / early 90s on the Usenet news boards there was this guy who used as a .signature on all his posts / comments the expression I hate n*****s with attitude. When people called him on it, he would say with professed innocence oh I’m talking about the rap group, that’s all, I’m not a racist how can you accuse me of that you don’t even know me! When people told him to stop using that word he would say oh well if they can use that word why can’t I?. That is what this bullshit reminds me of.

Sure, a racist provocateur can hope. Why not?

Remember, folks, the true victims are the racists who can’t say racist things without being called out due to the “PC police.”

I always love how racists, when called out as being racist, act so shocked and surprised and how dare we and here’s eighty paragraphs explaining how they’re not racists and they had no idea and PC culture and they’re the real victims and blah blah blah. It’s always the same hilarious bullshit.

Influenza virus and coronavirus are both RNA viruses, neither use DNA during replication.

Funny how now that they do know, they insist on continuing to say it.

Dude, we’re obviously in the wrong for telling them NOT to say it. We’re clearly the worst.

Guys. This dude is taunting and trolling. You don’t need to respond to his specious arguments as though they were real. He said Wuhan flu deliberately, knowing you’d hear the dogwhistle and react.

The OK sign up above? He didn’t just learn that was a racist sign. This is a guy who thinks he has to stockpile ammo because of the Green New Deal. He reads those boards. Fifteen years ago, he was likely one of the guys who said “How come THEY can call each other nigger, but when I say it it’s suddenly RACIST, huh?”

We all need something to do during quarantine, so have at it, but don’t lose track of what the conversation actually is.

I’m not conceding it to Nazis. If we were playing an online forum game and someone said ‘oh it’s your turn’ and someone else responded with that sign or emoji, I would not assume they had malicious intent at all. If someone uses it in a conversation where they’re defending their use of other bigoted symbols and language, however, I don’t think we have to be so credulous as to think it’s an innocent use.

Certainly I am the worst. It is known.

Completely agreed, in fact I think considering context is literally the only solution to the problem. Hell, context is (obviously) a pretty powerful tool for fighting bigotry in general, properly deployed. Just don’t let the little assweasels play innocent when it’s clear they’re following the playbook.

I understand that “the n word” has a ton of history and is highly offensive while something like “Wuhan flu” is new (obviously, since the virus is new). I’m not sure how the recentness of the term has anything to do with what I said, though.

  1. Use of the term “the Wuhan flu” is something the xenophobic far-right is pushing as it repeatedly associates the virus with Chinese.
  2. Members of this forum have expressed repeatedly that they find the use of the term offensive especially when there’s a very commonly-used term known to everyone: COVID-19. It’s one more syllable than Wuhan Flu, hardly a mouthful.

Given points 1 and 2, you continue to insist on using the word, telling me and others to “get over it”, and then you want on to chant it repeatedly as a way of driving the point home. This leads to all the questions and accusations of WHY it’s so important to you to continue using the word.

Is it really that important to you to continue to offend a community you’re wanting to engage with and be a part of? I’ve gone through so many periods where I’ve had to make adjustments to how I speak, especially to a particular audience. Sometimes it’s because times change. Sometimes it’s because I’ve grown and changed. Sometimes it’s just because it’s a polite thing to do.

I’m only 42 but in my life, I’ve lived through:

  1. The n****r knocking story from childhood. Discarded.
  2. Using “gay” as a negative description of something in Jr. High and high school. Also calling people (friends) a fag back then. Discarded a long time ago but still cringe about it. Again, while I was using those slurs I never had any kind of problem with gay people, but those words were in my vocabulary because that’s what everyone around me used. Thankfully I grew into some self-awareness.
  3. More recently: the use of the term retarded to describe something, usually myself. This one was harder for me as it came later in life so I had more built-in habits, but people expressed why that was offensive. I thought about it and could see their point, so I made adjustments.

I’m not some PC nutjob who is perpetually out to find words to get offended by. In many cases, I’m not offended myself. If I hear a friend say “Oh no, I can’t believe I screwed that up, I’m so retarded” I don’t get offended or mad at them. I just don’t use the word myself because other people have expressed why it is offensive. Honestly, it’s such a small ask. Why not? It doesn’t cost me anything. All it is, is a little adjustment that I have to think about before it falls out of habit. Just seems like a small price to pay to not offend my community, my colleagues, my wife, or anyone else I happen to randomly encounter. I know in time that a new word will replace it as an offensive term to describe a person being an idiot, but that’s fine. Language usage evolves, I can evolve with it.

So again, your insistence on using “Wuhan flu” despite objections here is just weird to me. It’s not a big ask for you to just use COVID-19 instead. Your adamant refusal to do so and then to follow it up by rubbing “Wuhan Flu” in people’s faces afterwards just brings your character and motivations into question.

As mentioned above, this is a guy who feels the need to stock up on ammo because of “teh libruls,” so it shouldn’t be that shocking, really.

I think we like to think that this board attracts folks who generally would stop using words that most people find offensive, but there are a few straight-up deplorables who post here. They don’t like being called that, but that’s what they are. And it’s a shame they shit up the place. But even when we ban them they just make alt accounts and that is the thing that perplexes me.