Can't log in to Fileplanet?

Anyone else having trouble logging-in to Fileplanet? I’ve got a subscription to gamespy/fileplanet, and just visited, but it seems they’ve helpfully altered their logging-in procedure to eliminate any means of actually doing so.

I go to, hit the ‘login’ button, only to be taken to an interstitial advert for fileplanet, which takes me back to the original page, still not logged in.

If I click ‘disable ads’, I get taken here:

I hit the ‘log in to disable ads’ and I’m taken to a ‘Not logged in? Don’t have a Gamespy Id’ page. Click either of the links on this page, and get taken back to here again:

What happened to the page where you just enter your username and password?

On the Not Logged In? page, there’s a box in the upper right corner to enter your id and password.

It’s okay, disregard. It was a cookie problem that was sending me into an infinite loop of ‘not logged in’ pages. Deleting the gamespy/fileplanet cookies got me to the page with the actual login fields.

Bah, technology.