Cat finds child porn stash

Cat discovers hideaway for child porn

My favorite part:

A woman who moved into an apartment in September … noticed that her cat could stick its head in a gap between the pantry and the ceiling in the kitchen, according to an arrest warrant.

That’s right. This loser was nailed by Ceiling Cat!


Oh. Someone post the ceiling cat pick and add the “Founded UR pron” bit.

Yeah, someone should do that. I can’t wait to see it!

Now, make it Chick…

I’m wondering how this even made the news?

Because it’s about CATS. And exposing pedophiles. And Cats. Mostly the cat.

This is going to haunt me FOREVER. Fucker.

Hey at least he isn’t watching you masturbate.

Oooh! Oooh!

Now make it the Woooooh!!! guy!

And make it say “Ceiling Woooooh!!! guy is watching you Woooooh!!!”