CBD oil, does it work?

I hear it works best if you stuff it in your anus.

Cbd is made from hemp, right?
So it doesn’t have any of the good stuff in it from weed?

The opposite, its supposed to have all the good stuff from pot. You can buy high CBD weed for the same positive effects.

Proponents say it has the theraputic benefits of weed but not the euphoric components.

Yeah, sorry, that’s what I meant, thank you.

But it’s from industrial hemp, right?

Yes, hemp oil is just from the seed, CBD oil is from the flowers, stem, etc of hemp plants.

Yeah, so it definitely does not have “all the good stuff from pot”.

My wife has epilepsy and she tried some a short while ago. She said it’s supposed to help calm the brain. She said that it didn’t seem to have any effect on her. Given that it’s not regulated in terms of composition of the product I’d guess it’s a crap shoot as to what you get when you buy some.

I tore my calf muscle (hurt like an MF) a year ago and tried THC-free CBD oil for pain and to help sleep, along with some THC-free CBD salve. It helped me sleep the first 2-3 days and then, like with pot, it caused me very severe anxiety. Pot always made me really paranoid; similar with the CBD. This, of course, was the opposite of sleep. I stopped taking it. The salve seemed fine… contained some eucalyptus or something, which was soothing.

If you look at the history of medication, it probably is harmful.

I had a hernia and I can tell you it did squat for my pain. This is when it hurt so much all I could do was crawl. I was using a little gadget that injected electric pulses into my body as pain relief. That didn’t help either, it’s just the pain from the shocks distracted me from the pain in my back.

Didn’t try actual pot, I assume that would have worked. But not in a legal state.

There’s some thought that CBD does work for anxiety and sleeplessness and whatnot but the theraputic dose is much higher than that commonly found in CBD milkshakes and whatnot. I wouldn’t experiment on homeopathic stuff like that, talk to a doctor.

We get some chocolate bars from across our border here (into Massachusetts) that contain both CBD and THC. each “bite” is 5mg I think so a very small dose. But both the wife and I definitely feel more relaxed a couple of hours later. It seems to help us with stress-reduction. Placebo effect? I suppose it could be. But something definitely happens.

Well, 5mg of THC will definitely have that effect! No idea if the CBD is helping though.

I tried CBD on its own and felt nothing. I have a feeling that it’s junk science like Nugenix.

Yeah, that’s an active ingredient for sure. :)

CBD is interesting, because thanks to Orrin Hatch we have DSHEA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietary_Supplement_Health_and_Education_Act_of_1994

Which basically means that any Dietary supplement (including CBD) doesn’t have to back up their claims with any sort of real evidence.

So, for CBD oil, you basically need to never shop at those local pop ups, and go to a few online retailers that specialize in CBD tinctures and other products. Most of them will share analytical data for each lot of product showing CBD and THC content. That way, you can at least be sure you are getting what you are paying for, even if CBD doesn’t do the 1000+ things they claim.

As for efficacy. There have been some studies in other mammals, as well as some human studies showing that it can have an effect on reducing anxiety and helping with insomnia. But the research is very new, as the legality of marijuana and CBD has only recently opened up.

Honestly, it doesn’t hurt to try, and if it doesn’t work for you, no problem. My wife likes the stuff as it helps her fall asleep.

I would say the biggest effect of it, is just relaxing, making it easier to fall asleep. But that is my anecdata.

I am super wary of it just being snake oil, but if my wife says it makes it easier for her to fall asleep, we’ll keep buying it.

CBDistillery is a good source.

The FDA isn’t even allowed to investigate until enough people die and show up in the papers and someone complains (what was that they put in energy drinks, Ephedra?). The whole supplement industry is dirty. They don’t even have the placebo ingredients they claim they have. They also add ingredients with known effects to shit and don’t tell you.

Right, there’s no doubt whatsoever that THC has an effect on consciousness!


And that is all they can actually investigate for is safety, really. They can fine for lies about label claims, that is the only thing they can actually enforce, as it is a “false advertising” type of situation.

Which is why I wouldn’t trust the strip mall CBD pop up shop, as I doubt they sell products that can be trusted for their label claim.

And there is definite proof the CBD also has effects on the brain, as we do have specific CBD receptors built in to our bodies (along with the THC ones). But I am skeptical of the actual amount of effect that CBD can have, as the claims right now are so wild and diffuse, and the research is all basically to the point of “This stuff is very safe to use, we should study it more, maybe their is an effect”