
I didn’t bite yet, but I probably will, I am a huge sucker for the setting (Chernobyl).

Steam reviews, for what they’re worth, seem to be positive, but the negatives point towards more linearity and less openness than many STALKER fans might like. But that’s only from reading the reviews, I haven’t seen the game.

With how the trailer was focused on the story, I’m not surprised if it’s more linear. Although it seems to have a twist in the formula, with more rpg, more crafting, npcs to recruit, plans to do, etc.

I picked it up, as I’m a sucker for this sort of thing too. It’s pretty good, really. Very…Russian. With the Russian language setting for voices (English subtitles) it’s pretty cool. The premise is sort of wonky, like STALKER’s more metaphysical stuff turned up to 11, and the depiction of the zone is pretty impressive. It might not be truly open world like STALKER, but the areas you go to are chock full of very nicely modeled and depicted ruins. It’s not like Skyrim or something like that, where everything is enterable and lootable, etc. It’s a lot more like traditional FPS stuff in that only some buildings are actually places you can enter, and only marked stuff is actually interactable, but it does a decent job of faking it.

How is the combat? I see in the Steam description they call it “challenging”.

Buy much later when it’s on sale and when you know whether it is good or not and get the game plus DLC for the same price as 1.0 now :)

I only did the intro and one day of actual mission stuff. It’s tough because you start with a revolver, and have to take better weapons from guards who, duh, are more heavily armed than you. And ammo is super scarce at least initially. Mechanically, though, it’s pretty standard FPS stuff, with stealth takedowns and lots of cover at least.

What I didn’t realize, and was pleasantly surprised to see, is that there’s a base-building mechanic similar to Fallout 4’s settlement system, where you can scrap crap and build stuff. You have to support your team with furniture, food, medicine, amenities, etc. You also can send them on missions; each day you select a mission you want to go on and then delegate for the others. Your team will go out and try to do their thing, with variable results.

There is a lot of hokey sci-fi mysticism as you might expect, but it seems pretty solid even in EA, at least initially. The usual caveats about EA apply, of course.

Cool, suits me.

Base-building etc sounds ok too.

oh well I’m sure that can be skipped through if necessary.

Thanks for the info.

Eh, it’s kind of central to the premise, but yeah, so far at least you can ignore much of it. Some of the stuff you can craft though is pretty much mad scientist wackiness.

Dev’s did an AMA.

I hope they do a bunch more of these. As I know very little of the real town.

I wonder if this game will be good.

I bought it, since the free DLC is nice and these devs can use the money. I will however probably only play it some time after release when they add the RT support and all patches and post-release content are out.

It will be the best game set in Chernobyl released this year!

I played a little of it (EA still of course) a while back. Has a lot of potential.


5 days till launch, dev’s spend a post looking back at development.

This just released. Someone play it!

Looking at the front page and the trailers at least, this looks absolutely amazing.