City of Heroes' Statesman is back! Not really.

Too cruel NCSoft. Too cruel by half...

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Actually, Statesman was one of the least likable NPCs in the game…just sayin.

Yep. They should be running out Ms Liberty. Or better yet, Ghost Widow, but villains might be out.

More robotic: Statesman or Positron? You make the call.

They couldn’t even get a DC comics MOBA to work. They think a long dead superhero MMO MOBA is going to?

Sheesh, fuck you NCSoft.

It’s not a MOBA based on City of Heroes. It’s a MOBA based on an assortment of characters from various NCSoft games. It’s like Heroes of the Storm.

My name is RichVR. You killed my City of Heroes. Prepare to see none of my money.

Oh, well then. Obviously it will be huger than Heroes of the Storm and Marvel vs Capcom combined!

mmo company tries to make moba…
ive lived this rodeo.