CIV IV Dune Mod = Awesomeness

So, about the Dune mod, both my wife and I installed it tonight and it is indeed awesome.

Highly polished (the main things missing are bits of text in the Civilopedia) and it takes you there. She chose the scheming Ixians. I’m with the Fremen. And both games are going different places with always just one more turn to play…

Definitely worth a try.


Wonderful mod - I’ve been playing it all weekend.

Indeed it is a really great mod. It’s not in your face amazing like FFH2, but in it’s more subtle way it is it’s equal in terms of CivIV quality must have mods.

As a criticism i think maybe it is too easy to make money? That’s about all i can fault it for(and the not complete Dune Encyclopedia).

It’s really slick. Thanks for pointing this one out, Jorune. Am I right in thinking there’s just the one map? No random maps?

It’s not a single map; it’s a map script designed to create uniquely dune-like worlds.

Yeah there seem to be two options for creating the Dune world map, one gives a more compatible map to the drawings of Dune that Frank Herbert made for the books(has the ice caps in the middle) the other is a more typical Civ type map with north and south poles iirc.

One thing to note is on my first two games i had duplicate enemies, you have 9 factions in the Dune game, and when i tried a custom game i noticed i had 13 slots open, which is where my duplicate Dune Civs were coming from. I had to switch the extra 4 slots off in the custom game set up to get rid of the duplicate civ issue.

And the music download is a must have, it may be bigger than the actual mod but it really adds a lot of Dune atmosphere to the game(and you get handy mp3 versions of lots of Dune music).

Ah, cool! Thanks.

So, I reinstalled Civ 4 for this mod.

Totally worth it.

Elemental, goodbye for several patches.

Hello, Arrakis.

Yep. It’s a great mod. I haven’t dared start a second game, because the first one caught me into a vortex of “one more turn” and way too little sleep for several days.

The music pack is definitely a must for added Dune-ness.


I’ve got bad news. So far, I’ve played 5 games with 5 different civs, and each one played very differently until the late game. (And even in the late game, there was still some distinction between the civs)

The “one more turn” vortex is strong with this mod.

Spare a link, guv’nah? Can’t find it.


I think it’s a really good mod, though the one thing that bugs me is that the circles for the unit positions don’t line up exactly with the terrain squares, at least for me. Makes it hard to actually move people exactly where you think they are going. Other than that, and the few missing 'pedia entries, yeah, it’s slick.

The new beta CTD’s for me on turn 1, every time.

Long as you make the zombies strictly barbarians it’s all good. Zombies with any sort of intelligence or cooperation suck balls (see: Land of the Dead)

The older non-beta version (1.7, I think) works for me perfectly. It doesn’t even have the circle mismatch that Wombat mentions.

thank you for highlighting this – downloading tonight. Great stuff.

This thing seems harder than stock Civ, too–not that that’s a bad thing. Arrakis is a tough planet I guess.

Thanks for all the positive feedback on behalf of the Dune Wars team.

Just to let you know that the latest version of Dune Wars, version 1.9 is now uploaded to ModDB. I can’t post links yet so you’ll have to use your initiative. :)

We’d love to hear any feedback you guys have.

  • Civilization Animosities implemented - Harkonnen dislike Atreides, etc

Excellent. In my Atreides game the Beast Rabban seemed to have a persistent crush on me in spite of all of my declinations.