Civilization VI

40 bucks? Yeesh, that seems steep.

They really keep going back to the well on this 4-year old game! Not that it’s the worst Civ game ever or anything. But it’s not the best one either…


Changing their business model of two major expansions before moving on to the next iteration of the series.

Yeah I never really warmed to it the way I did with previous games.

That’s gonna be a nope from me.

I have the same feeling. More leaders!!! I don’t think I need anymore.

paradox has been doing this shit for years…its their bloody business model

thats wlhy I don’t buy paradox anymore and why I won’t be buying this crap either

I finally gave in and bought it when it was on sale for $40 for “everything”. Now everything isn’t everything, and I played it for about an hour before I got bored and went back to Civ 4. Not the best $40 I’ve ever spent, I certainly won’t be buying a pass.

Nor will I buy Civ 7 unless folks seem a lot more positive on it. I held out like I said I would until it was super cheap and it won’t even be hard to not buy next time. Oh well, Civ 4 is still so good that I can’t be mad about it. Just sad.

Yeah, can’t say as there’s much value to me in a civ game without an AI that can at least compete. Except when playing multiplayer, where Civ VI is pretty enjoyable. I haven’t bothered with the expansions.

Old World is on the way now though, which looks as though it might finally surpass Civ IV. I’m certainly hearing good things about the AI.

This Civ is too boardgamey - and I like boardgames. The hooks just aren’t that deep, and my experience with the district system just wasn’t very pleasant. As a life-long Civ player, I greatly preferred Civ5 and Civ4 before it

Forget compete, I’m not even sure if it’s possible for the AI to win (outside a first 40 turn rush).

Once you get walls, I swear you could go inactive and just keep pounding the End Turn button and the AI would never win. It just doesn’t know how to trigger the victory conditions. Religious victory gets clogged up in traffic jam. Cultural is too convoluted for it to pull off. Diplomatic is a joke with negative effects. Even the straight forward scientific seems beyond it for some reason (it just sits there never completing the last 2 stages no matter how much of a lead it has).

The bad news for me with this announcement is that Firaxis (as far as I’m aware) has still held off on releasing all the modding tools. With Civ5, they similarly held off until they were done with DLC. I think that’s a terribly shortsighted way to look at mods, but at least they eventually released them. And modders addressed many of the issues I had with the Civ5 AI. Vox Populi was the first time I was actually able to really enjoy that game.

With the announcement of the season pass, the full mod tools are probably a year further out. That is assuming they ever arrive this time. It’s just too bad, because Civ4 had some fantastic mods like Fall From Heaven and Dune and others. Civ5 eventually got some good mods going but I always wonder what the modding scene would have been like if the community had full access from the start.

It’s a shame. I think Civ6 had some interesting concepts but Firaxis never put in the work to really make them work and everyone is probably sick of hearing about the AI woes. It’s frustrating enough for Firaxis refuse to address these things on their own, but if they opened up access for mods like they have in previous games then there’s at least a chance the modding community could do the work for them.

Civ6 was a reach for me, in terms of picking it up. Civ5 was a pretty big disappointment, but this series has a ton of inertia behind it for me. It’s one of those classic series that made me fall in love with strategy games when I was younger. I feel similarly to @Outlandish, I don’t see me picking up Civ7 unless I feel confident that they’ve turned this ship around.

Who needs Civ – and especially Civ6! – anymore when you’ve got Old World?

Yeah, I took a quick peek at the game (kind of backburnering it until it gets a little further along in early access) and liked what I see.

Steam doesn’t know what that is.

I hate to be the one to admit it, but I’ve lost a Science victory against the AI. Until recently I was in the habit of abandoning games of Civ VI when I thought I got my play’s worth out of them. In January of this year, something changed and I started finished games… maybe for the achievements? During that time I played several games and went for different victory conditions each time. During a cultural victory run as Pericles, the AI ended up winning a science victory out of nowhere. I play on the Prince difficulty setting.

Civ VI has been my goto during the covid time. I play on emperor. Within recent memory I’ve lost via both the science and religion routes in games I thought I was going to win. It’s pretty easy to get beat in the early turns by domination, but I don’t regularly stick with those games. I’ve won by both diplo and culture, but I’ve never seen the computer player win that way.

I seem to like the even releases. I liked 2 and 4 and 6. Three didn’t do much for me. Never put much time into 5.

$40 for non-core gameplay seems silly to me, but since I’m deeply invested in the game I’ll likely pony up.

So I’m missing a $40 expansion and now a $40 season pass. Uh, hm.

It’s a weird one when you consider the course XCOM 2 took with modding, with the popularity of the Long War mod for the first XCOM even being acknowledged during XCOM 2 marketing. I can only guess whoever is in charge of the decision making for the Civilization series over at 2K\Firaxis is far more fearful of what mods might do to Expansion\DLC sales than their XCOM counterpart, or something.

Feels like being Civilization is a bit of a millstone around the neck of Civilization, especially in terms of publisher expectations. XCOM feels like it has more latitude to experiment and try stuff because it wants to rather than just because “money”.

Chimera Squad feels more like the developers had some interesting ideas they wanted to try out and it ended up being fleshed out into a standalone game. This Season Pass feels much more like 2K wanting something Civilization related published for this financial year to fill in the gap until Civ 7 or whatever the next major release is.

They still haven’t really improved the AI in this game yet, have they?