Clay's Werewolf Game

This is exactly why I have no respect for those damn officers, fresh out of the academy with their champagne and shit while we runts have to steal some of the oil from the machine guns and tanks and make do with it.

(IS it winter? like, snow and stuff? that’d be cool…)

Just glad not gonna be the one doing the explaining to the Fuhrer himself.

I… I completely forgot about Obergruppenfuhrer Fuekenstik…

Ve are vucked… Vell, ve did kill it, though it vent against orderz… vor now, no more radio contact outside of the camp. Ve’ll explain it if someone comez to check on uz, but vor now, we are alone here, underztand?

No one zpeaks to anyvun outzide of ze camp. Ve vill take care uv everything here alone… those bastards must’ve known he vould’ve turned to that… Verevolf? Arschlochen!

Okay… No vun is going to give themzelves up… as Oberst, it iz my job to dezide… but I do not know who… Who is unaccounted for, who has no alibi?

Ve are doink ze “allo allo” accents ja?

Herr Oberst. My report is as follows:
At 15:45 hours I examined the special prisoner. He was running a fever. As typhoid is regrettably endemic in some of the SS run camps I decided to check up on him again later.

At 23:30 hours I returned to check up on the special prisoner, only to find the body of Varlas. While I was examining him to ascertain the cause of death, which, on first glance appears to be extreme violent trauma to the head, limbs and torso, I heard the sirens go off before I could alert any guard to the dead body and lack of special prisoner. While running to the sound of gunfire, I stopped by the medical bay to get my grandfather’s pistol, due to a hunch.

On entering the POW hut my worst fears were realized, that we had a lycanthrope, and assumed that he was the special prisoner, attempting an escape. I decided that Hitler Order No. 31 (shooting of escaping POWs on sight) countermanded and over-ruled the SS Obergruppenfuhrer Fuekenstik’s order to keep the prisoner alive. I therefore shot the escaping prisoner. I will be willing to testify as such at our likely courts-martial. I would appreciate it if others also took the view that the special prisoner was attempting an escape. I was at Leningrad that first winter, and don’t much want to go back.
Initial guess as to cause of death of the POWs is the same as Varlas – extreme violent trauma to the head limbs and torso.

There is very little medical literature on lycanthropy, but folk tales say that it is a disease of the blood akin to rabies, likely transmitted by blood, saliva or semen. The (viral?) agent is most likely killed by incineration. Gloves should be worn when disposing of the bodies.

Any man with an open cut or wound should be isolated and kept under surveillance.

Now I have a large stack of death certificates to fill out. An army may march on its stomach, but the SS marches on paperwork.

Well the biggest mistake made was so far was opening the goddamned door. From the reports, that thing was trapped inside until we helpfully let it go and gave it lunch.

Does anyone have any open wounds?

Can we just assume we’re all speaking German so we don’t have to wade through the “English with horrible German accents” morass?


Given that the possible infected know that they will be shot immediately, I doubt anyone will be coming forward.

By all means we everyone should submit to an inspection, but I doubt we will find anything. Perhaps if they are infected, they may have healed their wounds by now, given the incredibly durability of the beast. On the other hand, if we can find some silver, aversion to handling it might indicate something…

But does silver affect them in their Human forms? Thats something we have to keep an eye out for.

Gefreiter seventimessix pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it, and put it between his lips. He took a long drag and exhaled out his nostrils, the smoke swirling around the guard shack. Shouldering his rifle, he dug his hands into his jacket pockets for warmth and marched out of the shack towards the shack. “I dunno why we need to patrol this shithole, everyone’s dead” he muttered to himself. He looked out towards the forest beyond the border of the camp and scanned the treeline quickly. “Nope, no monsters out there tonight, hrumph.”

The commotion of the other night was the one bright spot of his 3 months being stationed out here. And of course, being the most junior officer, he was stuck guarding the gate while everyone else was having fun shooting prisoners. The closest he got to action was carrying the bodies to the graves. To him it seemed like the isolation was getting to the other officers. Being away from the front lines with little communication from home was tough, and the riot was enough to push the men off the deep end. Now there was even rumblings of a killer virus that the prisoners had!

Seventimessix shook his head, trying to clear the smoke and suspicion from his mind. Up ahead he saw the Commander’s cabin lights shining out of its dingy windows. He turned off his patrol route and headed towards the door of the cabin. If there was one thing he knew to do in a crisis it was to suck up to whoever was in charge.

This was a great start to the game. I look forward to unravelling the story with everyone.

Oberstleutnant Jamieson. I wasn’t proposing that the Oberst make the inspection a voluntary one. We are an army at war, and the German soldier will obey orders. Refusal to obey a legitimate order in wartime, in the face of the enemy would be grounds to arrest and court martial any soldier. I am sure we have enough senior officers here to make the sentence of any such courts martial legal.

Plus I’ll make sure my hands are warm when I cup your testicles and ask you to cough.

[i]A large swig from something that was probably not part of the standard ration loadout, followed by an even larger belch as “Demon” G. Sides, Oberst of this particular camp, dropped forwards in his chair.

He had gained the nickname “Demon” for his tenacity in dealing with Prisoners, as well as anyone who stepped out of line. He was also known to be quite the drunk rioter.

So, seeing him in his current state (sober), was definitely something to be even more feared, as he was in charge, and had to make a decision; Should he kill one of his own men, or should he allow them to live, to see if anyone had gotten hurt at all? Kill one to potentially save them all, or let one possibly die at the risk of having no blood on his hands.

Surrounding him were all of his men, everyone else in the camp dead. He sighed heavily, sitting at a desk that held their only true known information, a detailed map of the camp.

He looked up at the encircling men, not a weapon to be seen besides the Luger field pistol sitting on the desk at his right. He would hope to have not to use it but… no one wanted to die.[/i]

"So… any ideas? I will not kill one of you needlessly… but I will kill one of you if we have enough evidence. We need leads… we cannot trust anyone to put themselves forth, as no man wants to die.

First, we must have anyone with alibi’s step forth. The doctor is good, as far as I’m concerned, as he was nowhere near the fighting at any point in time. I can vouch for myself, as I was asleep up until the ruckus started, and had no direct contact, as the men who charged with me can confirm.

I also consider them to be fine, as none of us were injured upon fighting with the… thing. We would’ve noticed it or yelled an obscenity. Its not until the attack and the confusion that anyone could’ve been injured, however. This opens up many of us to suspicions, including myself.

However, I can say, that in protection of the homeland, I’d rather die than subjugate any of you to a potentially danger. You’ve all shown miraculous nerves in this our dearest of times.

But we must come to a decision soon enough."

Another pull off of whatever it was, and he passed it around, with the intent to either loosen some tongues, or warm some bellies.

“I will not have anyone killed. For all we know, we are all fine, and no one was attacked or hurt, or infected, as the good doctor has stated. But… in the unlikely event that one of us is, we need to think about what we’re going to do.”

Takes a swig of the proffered tongue loosener.

Oberst Sides, in all deference to your position, why are we coming so close to casting lots? We don’t have evidence one way or another that requires it, and Arzt Wisbechlad thinks this lycantep… lyco… werewolf thing is carried in the blood, but we all wore gloves like he suggested when we burned the beast. Let’s follow Oberstleutnant Jamieson’s suggestion and have the doctor examine everyone before we start sacrificing each other. If we’re still worried, do we have enough salvageable material left from the POW quarters to build cages to keep us safe at night?

/me pokes Gefreiter Marged in the ribs

that’s always the worst part! am i right?

why are we talking about this foolishness? perhaps we should get an old gypsy woman to tell us our fortunes and shower us with protective amulets and herbs.

now pardon me while i go to sleep with my stuffed 'lil adolf doll tucked under my arm. that’s all the protection i need from these “lycanthropes.”


I can’t believe I missed the sign up for this. I thought I made it clear I wanted to be a part of it.

That said, do silver bullets still work? As a spectator, I’m interested.

I’m not suggesting anyone should be killed, but it is obvious that this is a major occurrence in our backwards camp. We can not deny that. I agree that a medical examination would be good… but we don’t know the medical properties of this beast… I mean, we pumped a good deal of our ordnance into that thing, and it shrugged it all off. How are we to know it even was bleeding? Nothing stopped it besides the silver slug that was put into it.

So we believe that the doctor was unlikely to be infected, having come only at the close of the battle with the beast. Seventimesix was posted to the gate. Did anyone else not take part in the battle? Is there any way to confirm your story? Is there anyone posted at a location where they might have come in contact with the beast as it made it’s way to the PoW building?

If, for some reason, we cannot gather any evidence through inspection, then I will consider this map further.

Edit: If brown portions on the map mark underground tunnels, does that mean that the only access to the tunnels is through one of the connected buildings? So the werewolf would have to have come up through one of the buildings before going to the PoW quarters?

Yes, we don’t know if anyone has been infected, or even if it is infectious. But it is wise to take precautions. The prisoner had a fever when he came, I must insist that I take your temperatures in the morning . The fever may not be connected to the - transformation but it is all we have to go on.

Let us maintain discipline. We are SS after all, 4-6-8 squads, not the easy breaking 4-6-7’s!

To the best of my recollection, I was in the barracks at the time of commotion. I’m sure that others can attest to my whereabouts. I’m just glad to be alive, and that most of the men are okay as well.

Since we no longer have any POWs to solitary, perhaps we could use that to quarantine someone who appears to be infected?

If someone appears to be infected, I intend to put .30 between their eyes as soon as possible. There will be no ‘quarantine’. I will not put anyone else in harms way.

Gefreiter russellmz00, I recommend you hold unless you want WC duty for the rest of your life. We are to maintain discipline; need I remind you that we are at war?

Oberst G. Sides Sir; may I recommend that we gather up that silver slug and any other silver we may have, and we fashion some bullets for us to use for our defense?

The rest of you maintain the usual patrol and watch schedule. The Americans and Russians do not know we have no prisoners, and will shoot you just the same.