Cleaning Monitor/TV Screens

I searched so give me Likes if not true, but I couldn’t find a thread on this…

I’ve moved closer to Philadelphia to live with my girlfriend and along with that has come the move of all my screens for daily use, TVs/Monitor, etc.

For many years now I’ve looked online for the best way to clean a screen. Usually the recommendation I see is damp cloth, however there are often other things people recommend. With this move has come… let’s say… less awareness of not touching the screen. So now I have some cleaning to do, on two TVs and I’ll throw in my PC monitor just because.

What say you QT3? Other than drilling holes to relieve the pressure, what’s the best/safest way to clean a screen?

I got a spray bottle with a bit of soap and alcohol. Less alcohol is safer than more. Squeeze on microfiber. Clean. Why overthink it?

Damp microfiber, yes. I wouldn’t use soap or alcohol unless it was really bad.

That’s my method too.

Congrats D, well done old chap.

Have a cat piss all over it, then use fine grit sandpaper on it. Finish up by polishing with old newspaper.

Pish posh, moist I tell you! Moist!

Is that before or after drilling holes?



Oh no don’t say that word omg I hate it because I’m a tween girl lolz on fleek etc

I use one of those make-up brushes that has very soft brushes. Something like

With the monitor off and cooled down, I lightly brush the dust down the screen then wipe it off the bottom lip of the monitor.

It doesn’t do a super clean job, but it gets the majority of the dust off and hasn’t scratched my monitors.

All this time I thought this was en flic and I wondered why tweens wanted to be like french cops.

I use Windex Electronic Wipes for cleaning every 2 weeks or as needed, and then usually touch-up with a microfiber cloth.

I agree, a congrats are in order, Dave. You reeled one in!

Thanks to both you and @schurem. She’s awesome and we’re very happy. We bought a house together and it’s been an easy adjustment for both of us. It’s pretty cool when you both finally find someone who’s totally ok with you being you.

It just requires a little more TV cleaning time.

And now that this has been here awhile, I think it’s notable that there are different approaches to the cleaning! That’s what I was seeing online, so it’s good to see it’s confirmed that people do it different ways!!

There is a third way. Best not speak of it. John many jars knows…

One of life’s funny gifts is when you reach the point where you realize you don’t have to find the perfect puzzle piece to attach to. Instead you find someone else that wants to puzzle with you, and you mold yourselves together.

For what it’s worth, Dave if I have heavy dust on a TV I dust it first, then clean it with a little window cleaner sprayed directly onto a microfiber hand towel. No scratches, crystal clear cleaning.

That’s right, and it’s my FAVORITE cleaning product, SIMPLE GREEN!

Simple Green is nontoxic, 100% biodegradable, and highly effective! Use it with a scrub sponge to clean the soap scum out of your tub! Use it with a microfiber cloth to clean your mirrors and keep ammonia out of the environment! Soak your greasy kitchen sink strainer in it and be amazed as that forever grease slides right off! Spray it directly onto carpet stains, let it soak, then wipe the whole mess up! Spray it directly onto laundry stains and let the washer machine lift it out! It’s Simple Green!

For screens, just spritz a small amount onto a microfiber cloth, wipe it on, and wipe it off. Hey presto!

Oh, and you know what works amazingly well for the kind of dust buildup you get on electronics? This shit, which comes in many brands and varieties but I think is basically the same stuff as the old toy Slime:

Pull off a ball of it, roll it on the dusty surface until it stops absorbing, then throw it away and start another ball. It too is biodegradable. Leaves none of that ancient dust that has somehow integrated itself with the surface.

Worst edition of katamary darcy

I knew your way would be biodegradable. Yet it still surprised me XD