Come guess this movie in the 2017 20:20 game!

I’ll have something up around, say 11:00 pm CST.

Almost a day late or three hours early. I know at least one person saw this movie.


Good Time!

I had a feeling you might get this one. :)

The 40:40
Frame 40-40

The 60:60
Frame 60-60

The 80:80
Frame 80-80


Personal Shopper?


Ding Ding Dingus! I don’t know how. Is that the scene where K-Stew stands in for the model for a photo shoot? Anyway, I’ll post the rest of the frames in a few hours.

How did you get that one, Mr. Dingus?

As it happens we watched that movie last night at the request of @fire, or at least we watched the first third or so of the movie. I recall that shot because I remember thinking, “Why does that look like a painting to me?”


I was out of the room at the time of this shot! No fair! :-)

Please don’t post spoiler screens @abidingdude! We’ve got 2/3 of a movie to finish.

This message should tag @crispywebb actually.


I suspect that Dingus has dark powers. Which isn’t fair, since my power is mediocrity. And I didn’t get extra building points for taking that one.

Very interested to hear if the movie works for you.

I wouldn’t consider any of these images spoilery.




And now…

Oops. Thank you @crispywebb for making sure the images weren’t spoilery! And I can’t wait till @ChristienMurawski stops having the flu and can sit up and watch movies again.