Command and Conquer (and Red Alert!) Remastered

This looks really impressive, as a package for $20 it’s really a ton of value for anyone up for some old-school RTS nonesense.

As long as it’s got speed controls… sadly I’m not the younger man that played the original games :(

Just a PSA for anybody crazy enough to order a physical copy (like yours truly): Steam keys were sent out by Limited Run over the last few days or so. The game is also up for pre-load before it releases on Friday. 18GB footprint as-is, will probably unpack to about 24GB once everything is said and done.

Wow, that sounds huge… no?

I’m hearing rumblings that it’s due to 4K assets coming stock rather than being a separate pack. Given the amount of FMV in the games, that would seem like a viable cause.

Yes, though. That’s a lot of space.

18GB to 24GB? Ha! Times have indeed changed.

How many CD-ROM’s will that require? UPS guy might need a dolly to get them all to my door!

Would beat the hell out of floppies.


One wonders if Harvester AI was fixed, and if so, do they include an option to play with the original Harvester AI?


They did say they left everything in terms of pathfinding the same as it used to be, since it completely broke so much of the game in bizarre ways if they brought it all up to modern standards. Janky harvester AI is a-go.

“We wanted to add Attack-Move, better AI, better pathfinding, waypoints, rally points, etc, but as we discussed these features, we realized that those things would radically affect gameplay and we wanted to match original balance as much as possible. The idea was that you could dust off a strategy guide from the 90s and all the strategy advice would still be valid in the remasters.”

  • Joe Bostic (Design Director)

Per above then, don’t forget to treat it as a Harvester-Management game as well ;)

Tho, failure to manage Harvesters created some pretty hilarious MP moments, as I recall…

You recall correctly…I remember many times almost screaming “WTF ARE YOU DOING!!!” (followed by frantic clicking) as my harvester meandered through the enemy lines in some bizarre circuitous route back to base without a care in the world…


A little beard dye and it’s 25 years ago all over again. Joe Kucan is great.

It pleases me he still has a NOD wardrobe.

That’s so awesome.

Love that. Will definitely play a few rounds on the weekend. Sometimes a person needs a comfy pair of slippers.

That is amazing.

It’s out today! And has a nice surprise the first time you launch the game (I won’t spoil it here)

Already seeming huge:
