Commercials you (and I) Love

Sorry, I’m not trying to spam the thread! It’s just that my head is full of this stuff because it was a big part of my childhood, as I imagine it was for a lot of you! There’s a streamer I watch that does a show once a week about old commercials, so maybe it’s just a bit more fresh in my memory than most :)

Yup, can confirm.

We even had commercials to watch commercials!

Minty swigs!

(If I remember right, this was something Pixar did to pay the bills after being spun off from ILM or Lucasfilm or whatever it was. Cee Gee Eye!)

Bracing swigs!

(If I remember right, this was something Will Vinton Animation did to pay the bills before melding into what became Laika Animation. Claymation!)

For some reason that Six Flags commercial is burned into my brain more brightly than almost any other.