Company of Heroes / Opposing Fronts patch madness

That’s exactly what I ended up doing too. Installing the original, then the expansion just didn’t work out… but the expansion alone, plus the patches and the key to unlock the original campaign worked fine. Mighty big nuisance regardless.

Yeah, thinking back on it, that’s exactly what I did too. I did it inadvertantly, thinking I already had the original installed, but when I found out I didn’t, I just logged in with the same account as before, added my CD Key for OP and it all worked fine.

It’s a Relic game, part of the install sequence is blocking four four hours in your diary for patch application. Just wait until you try installing ALL the Dawn of War games, oh yeah, that’s a fun day’s work.

It actually wasn’t too bad the last time I did that. Took maybe 30-45 minutes to reinstall DoW, WA, DC, and Soulstorm. I am wary of finally installing CoH though and any patching, as I dont really care at this time to patch it and then have to keep the disc in the drive. Soulstorm did this as well and its fucking annoying. OF pisses me off because if I buy it now, I have to buy the solo version at $30 which is only $10 bucks cheaper than the gold version. Which means I end up paying $10 more.

I didn’t have any problems installing OF over the vanilla game. I hadn’t patched the original in a while, and this was back in December. Does this make me a bad person?

I have to say though, I really love being told I must patch for online compatibility. I’m not playing online, just let me play the goddamn game. Forced patching is bullshit, especially when you have to download a 700meg file, install, download another, install, download another, install…

It’s too bad Relic makes such awesome games, or I’d have a problem with this.

Hmm. And here I just went and bought OF simply to avoid the patch madness with the original, and now you tell me that installing OF over the original will hork the original single-player campaign??? Shit bonerz. Well, maybe I’ll just patch the original from 1.0 to 1.4 and 1.4 to 1.7, and then play that until finally done, THEN install OF.

On the bright side, my new PC (yes, the one I whinged about for two pages over in Hardware) kicks ass. Quad core + 8800GT + 1920x1200 28" Hannspree monitor = fucking awesome, especially given that I was upgrading from Athlon 64 3200 + ATI x1950 AGP + 1280x1024 17" Samsung…

Since I have a nearly identical setup (Q6600 + 8800GT + 1920x1200 res), what settings do you recommend in CoH? I’m new to the game and am tweaking. My first attempt at jacking everything up to max was met with failure. However, that was likely due to turning it on DX10 mode.

Well, I think I just found the sweet spot. Only terrible thing is that at 1920x1200, the system for some reason doesn’t run in fullscreen! It puts a terrible window frame around the outside of the screen (e.g. it is in kind of like “maximized window mode”) that throws off the cursor positioning. Grrr. And it doesn’t even happen all the time, just sometimes. Anyone else ever seen this? This is patched to 1.70 – maybe I’ll try 1.71… (And this is also with Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition – don’t start on me about that, please ;-)

Anyway, with DX10 shaders on and “high” for most settings (no “ultra”), I had average FPS of 30.9 but min frame rate of 6.9 FPS in the performance test. So fuck that. With “high” quality DX9 shaders and “high” for everything else just about, at 1920x1080 (which doesn’t have the window-frame problem), I got average FPS of 59.0 and min of 20.6. And GORGEOUS. I can definitely tell the difference with DX10 (a lot more HDR and illuminated explosions), but it’s not worth the FPS hit to me. This 60 FPS business kicks the shit out of my last CoH experience!

So I’ll very happily play it like this, but man it’d be nice to get that extra 10% vertical resolution back…

Recently overheard on Relic Online:

“god damn relic online SUCKS DICK”
“its still better than gamespy”
“lol no shit what isnt”

Hooray Relic! Patch 1.71 fixed the hell out of this. Runs in fullscreen at 1920x1200 now like a champ. And turning on 2xFSAA barely loses 2 FPS. Aw yeah. If I weren’t so tired (after 1 AM HL2Ep1 / Sins / Peggle session followed by 5:30 AM baby wakeup last night), I’d play this until Qt3. As it is, it’ll have to wait until… TOMORROW NIGHT…

Company of Heroes is one of my favorite RTS and the only one i liked in multiplayer, but i had to leave the multiplayer community, i have tons of problems with my Netgear router in this game (but not in other games…).
The funny part is, i didn’t have any problem playing the original beta of CoH in Summer’06, but they changed something in the netcode afterwards in a patch.

I do not miss those days.

EDIT: Actually, that’s not entirely true… part of me does, but you couldn’t have convinced me that would be the case at the time. :)

I’ve got a couple of extra kids if you’re looking to experience it all over again… going cheap! ;)

I hear you, datter. I won’t miss the 5:30 am parts of those days. But the other parts, where <mushiness_alert>the little guy is cuddling up to me or laughing big baby belly laughs as I gently toss him in the air</mushiness_alert> are the parts that I will miss. Oh yeah, and the smell of <alert>freshly bathed baby head</alert>, that one gets me every time.

My youngest had this thing about waking up at 4am for about a month when he was very, very young. It was so regular I almost started to wake up before him, and we were doing our best to get him to sleep all the way through. Then one night I discovered that CHiPs was airing at 4am weekday mornings on one of our local stations, and I ended up watching it and reminiscing. After that, every night for a month or more I’d happily be awake with a baby on me at 4am watching Jon and Ponch take dish our their own particular brand of law enforcement.

Despite the hours and all that, I must say I do miss that.

EDIT: Sorry about the hjiack btw, unintended.

Thread Necro.

I’m been patching this goddamn game for months. MONTHS! My friend nad I have tried to play it on several nights over the months and each time it wants me to download gigabytes of patches. Tonight it even installed a fucking TORRENT to download the patches, which means I’m seeding them for other people.

This game is the absolute worst for patching I’ve ever seen. It’s sheer insanity.

It’s been 2 hours and I’m still not done. Now it’s installing all the patches.

This will be the last Relic product for PC I ever buy. Madness I tell you!

I actually purchased it on Steam to avoid the patching. I actually own the first one but gave up on patching after a while. It’s just crazy how laborious it is to patch the CoH games. I can only imagine how hard it gets once you introduce an expansion (or two).

Actually, buying the expansion lets you circumvent most of the patching process, since it’s basically one giant cumulative patch. Of course, if you don’t buy it, you have to deal with the patching nightmare of having to install 1-2 dozen incremental patches, each of which takes 20 minutes to install while they rebuild all of the assets, all 6 Gb of them. I once made the mistake of trying to patch without enough hard drive space, which corrupted my install and forced me to start the entire installation/patching process over. It’s the worst patching system that I have ever encountered.

  • Alan

Yeah, I used the expansion which applies the massive 1.2GB patch to Company of Heroes. I think the installation took about an hour.

The torrent does seed, however, I think that is only if you are downloading the latest patches, otherwise it’ll sit there nice and quietly by the looks of things. Being on a cap of 5GB per month, I like to watch internet usage very closely. Relic screwed up big time, I certainly can agree with that, however, I just look past that and instead focus on the beauty which is Company of Heroes as a finished product, little consolation for those who struggle to get it working. My best moment happened the other day, when going against a friend, I fired off my artillery barrage to push him back. It had the effect however of smashing his entire infantry army which just happened to walk into it at the right time, he didn’t pay attention I believe to what was happening, and all I could see what little experience icons flashing on screen and the meter going full circle.

I am cheering the fact that multiplayer is a lot more robust compared to Dawn of War.

steam FTW