Conan Exiles - Funcom, open-world survival

Is there still a qt3 server running?

heard it’ll be free on epic next week. That’s a great price for it, for anyone that doesn’t yet have it.

For me, this remains one of those games that had so much potential that they pissed away working on selling dlc for architecture and horse armor instead of working on content and fixing bugs.

As I said elsewhere - I have over 300 hours in it - There’s plenty of content.

I think a large part of what the conan community wants, can’t be done. The map itself is a hack of what was originally planned - Thats why there are issues with the desert storm and the issues it causes up north and it the swamps - The desert was all that was planned originally.

Performancewise, because they increased the size of the map as drastically as they did, they already made a ton of changes (NPC structures like bonfires are no longer items, that can be destroyed, but are static set pieces and so on) to make it work .I seriously doubt they can cram more content into the game.

They were rather surprised by the succes of the game, which is why we have had so much post-release support.

I also really think its unfair to say that they have skimped on content since release - Since the day it released, we have gotten a ton of new features - for free! The DLC is just that, cosmetic, which is what most people say they want, instead of having to pay more for the game itself.

All in all, I think Funcom REALLY has come through on this game - far more than was ever anticipated. They are also hinting of even MORE to come, here, two years after release - Thats rather crazy.

Yamatai is really nice. You can build some great Japanese castles.

I’ve got over 300 hours in this too. There is a ton of content and a Map Expansion/New Map? in the offing but probably not until late 2020. That’s the feeling I get. They have dropped the ball on their PR and community interaction for the game though in my opinion. I was hoping the Tencent acquisition was why but they have been very mute about any future plans. No Third season pass. The Argos DLC looks nice but I’m personally holding off to see what happens to the game.

The recent patches have added some nice features - NPC management and AI improvements, dragging captured thralls on horseback, an attempt to re-scale world bosses and thrall power levels. I haven’t played in a while though so there was apparently some serious issue with the last patch for a lot of people…basically could not play the game.

It’s a great game solo. I have said it before and will say it again, play on the public servers and in a pvp environment at your own risk. It’s a griefer’s paradise and life is too short.

I would love it if they added a magic system to the game and made it possible to befriend / trade with some NPC factions.

There are some small hints that an actual magic system will happen.

According to steam I have 406 hours in it. Is that indicative of content? I mean sure, if hitting rocks, chopping trees and farming thralls is considered content, then ya it’s got tons. The game’s been out 2 years now and in that time what actual content have they added to the game? One dungeon i think. They did manage to add 10 DLC though, selling you different architecture - that’s like 1 DLC every 10 weeks - so it’s clear what their focus is. Meanwhile things like janky boss-fights remain unfixed.

This can be a really good game, particularly if you play with friends - my bitterness is that with a shift in focus, it could have been even better and perhaps even one of the best.

Huh - you didn’t get mounts? Underwater dungeons? The ability to tame monsters and pets? The ability to go beyond the ability points you have already? And what…3 or 4 dungeons? Thats aside the massive amount of bugfixes and minor updates.
Its not even over yet! More stuff is coming!

I don’t actually know how many dungeons are added, because I have little interest in them.

I would love for their focus to have shifted elswhere as well, but I think its doing them a big disservice to say they havent added content. And as I said - I seriously doubt a map expansion is on the table, due to engine limitations.

I know I like the game and may be biased, but I really don’t know of many other games, where the post-game support has been this impressive.

Two! One under Conan’s Bar, and one behind Klael’s Stronghold.

That I know of.

One practical thing DLC armour provides that’s a bit hard to get otherwise is heat/cold protection.

Hmm. I may need to retry this as well. Never got past level 15ish but mostly played at launch and was a bit underwhelmed. I do love me some Conan, Downloading now!

i’m glad you’re happy with what you got. I’m not.

Well you got 406 hours out of it, not bad for a game you don’t like. That is higher than any game I own in steam and i have 900+ of them.

Oh Boy…soo many mods. I think I’ll ignore those for right now and fiddle with vanilla?

Yeah - don’t mind the mods. I haven’t. There is, plenty of content without!

Guess you missed the part where i wrote:

406 hours sounds like a lot, and it is, but keep in mind it’s largely duplicative experiences on different servers. That’s probably 2 games where i played 120+ hours and 4 where i played the rest. The first session, iirc, was wrecked by a bug, or rather a couple of them. Restart, play for a bit, server died. Restart again, etc.

As i said 406 hours is a lot, you must have missed that bit. :)

Haha cheers, thankfully solo is typically my preferred play style. :)

I own three Funcom titles on Steam, but am hesitant to spend much time playing them due to flaws that have been pointed out:

  • Secret World: shitty combat
  • Conan Exiles: janky over-stressed engine?
  • Mutant Year Zero: repetitive combat tactics

I don’t know about later in the game when you’re building heaps, but early on this is one of the least janky survival games I’ve played. I mean most are usually pretty rough, and this is smooth and runs great even maxed at 4k.

Also they got nice controller support. :)