
Guess we need one for this too! Connections: Group words by topic. New puzzles daily. - The New York Times

I saw this on someone’s stream and tried it. I like it cause I find it harder, at least at first, thought i might be getting it now, as I just got my first perfect!

Puzzle #317

I was surprised when I created the one for Strands that Connections didn’t have one. It’s probably the toughest puzzle they have online. Some days it’s all hail marys all the way down.

Puzzle #317

Funny you got the purple first - it was my last, and while i recognized it at that point by the label, there’s no way i wouldve made the connection beforehand. That might be one fault in the game though, that the fourth category is an ‘automatic’ - maybe there should be 2-4 extra words that have no connection…

Man, there’s nothing like a James Burke documentary series! (I just hope they haven’t been too invalidated by archeological or scientific advances.)

Puzzle #317

This was one of the more solve-able ones for me. I have done other Connections that left me baffled. :)

Sometimes they’re downright infuriating. Prone to what can only be described as deliberate trolling sometimes.

Puzzle #317

This seemed straightforward, but it’s the first one I’ve played…


Puzzle #317

Puzzle #318

The first two were easy, the third i took a bit of a swing at, and the fourth probably would have eluded me entirely were it not the only choice

Puzzle #318

Struggled a bit on the middle two, had 3 out of 4 on each and had to guess.

Not into country, and hadn’t heard of poodle skirts

Thank goodness for micro fashion trends mentioned in 50s and 60s pop songs.

Puzzle #318

Yeah, that was harder.

Puzzle #318

Puzzle #318

This is a better game than stupid Strands :)

Hey now… Strands is cool.

Puzzle #318

Puzzle #319

I either get it pretty quickly or have no clue and lose. The in-between times exist but are rare!

Puzzle #319

Puzzle #319

Funny, i had purple figured out languages but i couldn’t figure out the fourth match. So that caused me to look over what remained and i clued into the spreadsheet connection and take the win that way. However, i’m still a little perplexed: is love language a reference to the language of love?, cause if so, i feel that’s a bit of a reach. Meaning that while the phrase certainly exists, it’s never used in the manner portrayed, ie: love language

It is a phrase I’ve heard, but generally only in US contexts - looking it up, it originally came from a book in the 90s, ‘The 5 Love Languages’ which became a huge bestseller.

It’s a therapy thing (mostly for couples and such) that’s been pretty popular the last 5 years or so. Of course, it’s more of a self-help thing, and there’s no real science behind it - it’s kind of a fad, but really everywhere if you go to certain circles.