Constellation on AppleTV+ - anyone else watching?

I’m afraid you’re right about this and it’s very frustrating, because the multiple universes trope has been done to death and shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. It was plainly obvious from the start that that’s what was going on.

The frustrating thing about this episode is that the first 30 minutes was stuff we had already seen in previous episodes. I wonder if this was supposed to be a movie and Apple insisted on making it a series or something.

Well, that was stupid. The show was stupid. Ugh.

I would dissect all the stupid bits but it’ll just make me even more angry.

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Oh. My. GODS.

I just finished the last episode. As it was winding up, I was a bit disappointed in the way the conclusion went, but I was okay with Jo and Alice’s acceptance of their new reality.

The show wasn’t great sci-fi, but it was interesting with some decent performances.

Then the last 45 seconds or so. What. The. Living. F**k? Any remaining goodwill shot all to hell. SO STUPID. SO UTTERLY STUPID.

Never have I had eight hours of “this is okay, not great, but kind of interesting ideas” thrown straight down the toilet by one ill-advised, and did I mention STUPID?, final scene.

DO NOT WATCH THIS if you haven’t already. Ugh.

Thanks for the warning!

Yeah, I thought it would have been fine if they cut out the blatant setup for a Season 2.

I can not fathom where they’d go with season 2 with that ending. Total nonsense.

I can’t think of any movie or series with a worse final image.

So no one is going to spill for those of us who bailed early on? What did I miss? What made @Editer so mad about the final 45 seconds? What final image is @Beerbelly_Sneetch talking about?

I could smell the Lost on this from the get-go, so I only watched 1 1/2 episodes. One of my boardgaming friends was keeping current with it, so I heard all about the convoluted plot from her, and I more or less know what happened. But now she’s out of town on an eclipse trip and if you guys don’t spoil the ending for me, I’m going to spend the bulk of my next boardgaming session with her holding forth about the ending. So for the sake of whatever game we’ll be playing, I’d be much obliged if one of you spoiled the finale for me so I can tell her I already know what happened. : )

OK, here ya go, spoilers!

The dead Jo that they left on the spacestation comes into view, very much dead. The body slowly rotates on camera, revealing that it’s missing about half of its face and one eyeball. This body is dead dead. Not kinda dead.

In the last moment, her other eye jerks to life and opens, with a startling horror-movie-like music cue.

What does it mean? Nobody knows!

I could smell the Lost on Lost itself after the first episode, and was reluctant to keep watching as a result. Same with Constellation after I heard the premise. It sounds too much like the show’s ultimate satisfaction will depend entirely on what the answers to the mystery end up being, and that almost always is going to be disappointing. And yet, what changed for me in Lost was the fourth episode, Walkabout, about the character of John Locke played by Terry O Quinn. I realized by the end of that episode that the show was sometimes so well made in the individual episodes, that I could enjoy it despite the overall arc not working out. So that’s what I did, and I loved the show. It doesn’t sound like Constellation has that going for it though.

Welp, now I guess we gotta wait for season two for the explanation. My vote is zombies.

And canned

Now we’ll never know what the hell that last shot meant! And I’m ok with that.

After that ending, I’d never have watched Season 2. However, I would have appreciated being able to read a summary of Season 2 to figure out how the hell they were going to try to justify that stupidity.

I assume it was the living version of that character having a nightmare/ vision. It’s still dumb, but I’d like to think there is some outer limit to how dumb this was gonna get.