Coronavirus 2019

right-wing will still cite this as proof invermectin works.

In fact, it being retracted just plays into their narrative. Once you’ve decided that Ivermectin is a viable solution, you’re lost to reason. Studies don’t matter.

Retracting it proves the deep state conspiracy!

I suggest not working 12 hours the day after you get the 3rd booster. (Pfizer all 3 shots) No such symptoms with the first 2 shots , at least not to this degree.

I’ve had throbbing pain in my shot arm from my shoulder to my thumb for well over 12 hours now, I can’t even touch under my armpit. Also heat flashes, chills, a dry cough, a wet cough, watery eyes, runny nose and extreme fatigue.

I assume the booster shot is killing me. :)

Hope you have your affairs in order.

Pool, 35, who has not been vaccinated, is well on the road to recovery. When his conditions worsened over the weekend, he received a “kitchen sink” of medications, as Pool put it, including ivermectin, an unproven treatment that experts have warned against using. He did so after speaking to Joe Rogan, who fought off his own case of COVID-19 with a battery of treatments the podcaster similarly described as the “kitchen sink.” Rogan subsequently offered to pay Pool’s medical bills, Pool claimed in his Wednesday video.

Funny how they don’t need vaccinations because they “have an immune system” and the second they catch Covid suddenly they need literally every drug ever even if it doesn’t work all at once.

My younger daughter got her first shot this morning. I need to schedule my booster.

Fuck this guy for lying, and fuck him for beating my Bears over and over. I hope he regrets this, either due to extreme sickness and long haul symptoms or suspending him for the rest of the season.

He apparently didn’t lie to the NHL the way Evander Kane did so he’ll likely be ok NFL-wise outside of the 10-day COVID if unvaxxed ban (Kane was suspended for 20 games I believe)

Actually he might be in trouble (and the team) for breaking COVID rules, but not for lying. Might cost the Packers a 3rd-day pick and a six-digit fine.

Kane is a massive shithead who arguably could have been banned for life for stuff unrelated to this.

Got my (Moderna) booster yesterday! Sore shoulder today, but otherwise feeling okay.

He is a major piece of shit for “lying” about his vaccination status. He never claimed to be vaccinated, just “immunized” which is a hell of a thing to say, especially when the take-away articles written about it all said he was vaccinated, and he did nothing to correct that false claim.

But, the NFL and the team are at fault for allowing him to get away with this bullshittery for half of the season. He clearly wasn’t following unvaccinated player protocols, and the NFL and his team knew that he had sought an unapproved homeopathic treatment, and denied it… yet he remained able to not follow protocols.

The NFL, as suspected, is by far the worst at handling player vaccinations and COVID of all of the major sports. The NHL and NBA are all doing a LOT better.

Fuck you Aaron, you galaxy brained lying piece of garbage.

My idiot senator, everyone:

“Willful act of barbarism”? What in the fuck?

Is there any precedent for this requirement? Can the feds do that? I don’t recall having polio vaccines or flu shots ever being a requirement to employment.

Not saying I’m opposed to it, before I get gang piled.

It’s become apparently that this country has FAR too many voters that check the box next to the candidate that puts on the best show or says the buzzwords rather than look at what they’re really made of. Sad.

I don’t know. I could understand and would even expect a “This is unconstitutional” objection. But barbarism just struck me as so hilariously absurd.

At the federal level, no. At just about every other level, yes.

Even if this gets challenged in the courts that may not be a quick process and it’s likely enough employers will go along with the mandate to help push up vaccination levels.

I’d go the opposite direction. I’d say we’ve raised a generation or two that saw decades of internet chatter about the evils of vaccines and now equates “vaccine” with “dangerous and risky medical thing.” I was talking to a friend last night who is a rational and COVID-vaccinated human being, but he expressed unease at the thought of mandates and thought it should be a personal choice thing.

I’m not sure if the feds have ever tried to mandate a vaccine before, but there is certainly precedent for the feds to set occupational health and safety rules for workplaces, and I can’t see any reason why a vaccine can’t be one of those rules. If it is unconstitutional, it isn’t clear how or why it is unconstitutional, and the argument the other way is pretty clear: we already do this.

I don’t get the logic behind it. Is it the same as wearing a helmet? If an employer supplies helmets and a worker refuses to wear one then gets hit in the head, how is it anyone’s fault but that worker? Why would the employer get fined? Now if an employer refused to provide helmets I understand the penalty. How can you penalize an employer for their employee’s bad decision that affects only the employee themselves?

By this logic can we fine employers if an employee works with a cold or other contagious disease that’s not Covid? Can we fine them if a worker doesn’t maintain their car’s brakes and crashes on their lunch break? Can we fine them if a remote worker doesn’t put smoke detectors in their house? What if a waitress doesn’t wear good shoes and slips? It goes on and on.

A mandate that workers must wear helmets would be pointless if employers weren’t held accountable and employees could just do what they want. But it’s probably not the best analogy.

A cold isn’t a pandemic. And yes, they would mandate vaccinations for another deadly pandemic.