Cory Doctorow: The Enshittification of platforms

Going into your orders and searching your previous orders and clicking on that item is easier for me, but yes, more steps.

And that is helpful if the item you previously bought is still being sold or in stock, if not, you have to use the shitty search.

Yep. We live on the ass end of the supply chain in many respects, and local alternatives for anything beyond the basics are few and far between. From dry goods to durables, ordering online is about the only way to get a lot of things. Weā€™re not talking about exotica either, just stuff like popcorn, sugar-free coffee syrups (for my wife, I canā€™t stand the stuff), dog treats, licorice, crap like that. If any of it is available here itā€™s much more expensive than from Amazon.

The enshittification of Google

Itā€™s Bingā€™s time to shine!

Iā€™ve noticed recently that Googleā€™s image search is becoming progressively more and more useless. Seemingly 90% of the results are links to products only tangentially related to the search term.

You joke, but it might be.

Shame thereā€™s no easy way to then measure how many of these people shortly thereafter deleted it after discovering itā€™s still a bit shit.

Uh, you did NOT put in the name of the product you wanted, you put in a description.

You wanted a Phillips LED with those specs.

In Gamer speak, thatā€™s like searching for 3 faction RTS, when you really are looking for StarCraft.

So, user error after all.

Itā€™s like searching for ā€œ3 faction RTSā€ and getting Age of Empires and Command & Conquer as your first results, no?

His search specified 1500 lumens 5000k led lamp. The results were

  • 5000k / 800 Lumens
  • 2700K / 1600 Lumens
  • 60W / 750 Lumens
  • 60W / 800 Lumens

That isnā€™t what he searched for.

Search needed quotation marks to make it more specific otherwise it will include everything that contains any not all terms like led

From his post:

Regardless, Amazon search is poop. This is known.

My mistake. Amazon search sucks.

I didnā€™t know exactly what brand I needed, just knew the specs should be 1500 lumens 5000k color.

The Amazon search results pushed a load of advertisements for things specifically not matching the specs I entered.

Their search is terrible.

When I put in specific specs, I will basically never want to buy something that does not match those. Of my search had been Led bulbs, sure, but when I take the time to read the specs off the bulb, I expect the search to meet me there.

I had the same issue with lightbulbs 4 months ago. It was a pain to find the right wattage, color, and quantity. Something beside my search terms was being given a lot of weight.

Well, money is heavy.


A review of Google circa 1999

While not explicitly stating this is due to enshittification, I can see the links between tech companies which become behemoth monopolies failing to innovate:

You guys have way more fun while driving than I do.

I just happened to buy random bulbs on Amazon and was laughing at how the search results still shows me a lot of bulbs with the wrong base size, even though I was super explicit. Hey Amazon, do you WANT customers to accidentally buy bulbs which physically do not fit, because it seems like you do?