Crackdown 3 - By whatever means necessary

I remember that I didn’t spend a lot of time driving in the first Crackdown, which probably means I’ve just gotten dumber in the last ten or so years.

Now the second game, much as people look down on it, added attack helicopters. And those were just an absolute riot. I really hope we get it in back compat soon.

I’ve been stuck on the second foot race I’ve found. It requires Agility 3. I barely got that when I started this race on Friday. The best I’ve ever managed to do is a few milliseconds less than Silver (still only have Bronze). Even if I get Silver though, I have to somehow shave off 3 more seconds for Gold, and I have no idea how to do that.

I thought the jump pad thingie I can drop at Agility 3 is what I would need, but yesterday I tried that thing, and it’s not very useful. Maybe I’m just using it wrong, but all it does is the equivalent of a jump, so it’s just a substitute for a jump unless I can first jump and hit the jump pad at the top of my arc maybe, which seems really hard to do. I say “maybe” because I’ve never managed to do it.

The thing which helped me beat those foot races is realizing that I can float through the top of the checkpoint instead of needing to go through them at ground level.

So you can air dash through them while jumping from checkpoint to checkpoint, which lets you finish them a whole lot quicker overall.

I was going to play some Crackdown 3 last night but then I noticed it had to take a 10 GB patch! Holy crap, is this like an expansion?

Yeah, that update took forever last night. To be fair, I was watching Netflix while waiting for the update to finish, so that probably slowed it down.

During this week, I’ve been having a blast trying to take this Chemical Plant that’s on the West end of the island.

For the first couple of days I was trying to attack it from the South side, jumping over the toxic sludge, and trying to take on triple armored guys with gas masks. I can maybe take one of those guys out if I use grenades, but that’s about it. So I died pretty quick. Day before yesterday I started trying to take it from the main entrance, which is a wooden platform bridge that goes to the chemical plant. What’s nice about this side is that it’s guarded by some weak enemies, so at least I get some experience with each attempt.

Unfortunately once I get to the plant, those triple armored guys are just too strong. Usually I can do pretty well in this game by using cover, just shoot at someone, then dodge back into a spot where they can’t see me, recover health, then go back to a spot where we can see each other and shoot until they die. But these guys have so much health that it takes several minutes to take one down, which means the cover technique doesn’t really work, since they go around and meet me wherever I’m trying to hide.

Yesterday I finally gave up. I think I’m just not ready to take this chemical plant yet. I’ll work on easier things on different parts of the island first, and hopefully come back and take this place once I’m stronger.

I didn’t even know the game had multiplayer!

You are better off that way, believe me.

All right, I need to toot my own horn here - managed to get gold medals on all road races and that, believe me, is not easy. Nor is it terribly fun, to be totally honest with you, I just wanted to knock them out because of my completionist thing. By comparison, gold on all foot races was piss easy. Only a couple of those took me more than one attempt, and the road races all took me several attempts. But I’m close to wrapping this one up, and I’m really happy with how much fun this game ended up being overall.

Only one thing really bugs me - on the agent select screen, all the agents have these cool black uniforms, and I kind of hoped that when I maxed out my skills that this would be available to me. But no, it’s just the same you get when you hit level 5. Kind of bums me out.

I decided I’d take my fully powered-up agent through a new legendary level world and see if I could get the achievement for defeating Niemand at that difficulty. And I did it! In about half an hour! This game could be a speedrunner’s dream.

New content that’s free! Not sure if that’s enough to get me into the Wrecking Zone, but I dig Keys to the City.

So does this have couch co-op?

I don’t believe local co-op is supported.

Find it hard to believe anybody is playing MP in this game anymore. I played maybe an hour and have no interest ever doing it again. Stick to the playground style SP and you can have some mindless fun with it.

Did the game flop pretty hard?

Just Cause 3 and Steep gave me a negative impression of wingsuits in games, but I’ll try to keep an open mind.

Oh man, more achievements! Well, guess I’m going back in.

And I’m back! I’ve played the new content for Crackdown 3 and it’s pretty great. They added a few new gadgets, like a duck grenades that explodes into clusters of new grenades, and some elemental melee weapons like a flaming sword and an electric hammer. You can go all Thor on these guys!

The main new addition is the wingsuit. Along with the suits they added a few new races, which are just a series of rings to fly through. I’m not the biggest fan of the races in Crackdown 3, but these are way better than the car races, which are just the worst. Several of the more difficult races required me to retry several times to get gold, but I did manage to do that. The upside is that, even when you fail, you can usually tell why you failed and try to get it right next time. It’s usually not random stuff like taking a weird bounce in the car races. Also -


I am the .04%!