Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal

Did anyone really play CW4? I’m a massive fan of CW3, and have only just gotten around to playing through CW4 now. I’ve been posting my times to the QT3 tag, as I did CW3, but I haven’t noticed a single other time in there :( Only @BrianRubin on my friend’s list owns it, though 10 people have it on their wishlist :P

It’s literally just CW3 in 3D, with no real practical differences. In some senses I prefer CW3, as the map is easier to read in 2d (Even the top-down view in CW4 is harder to read than CW3) I think and I felt that the horrendously bad story that seems to exist in these games was better in CW3. Not that I read any of it, as I skip it all. I’ve barely read one line of the CW4 one past the missions in the demo.

However, the developer added co-op multiplayer a few months back, so that’s a massive, major difference that definitely gives CW4 the edge!