Cuphead - 1930's cartoon side-scroller

Huh, that’s weird because my girlfriend and I played this yesterday for the first time in ages too, only we managed to crack two levels in a row. It’s been a while since we progressed!

That clown boss is a real pain. We were stuck on him for ages. I’m trying to think what gear we used against him… the dash ability, beam special, red spread shot and perhaps the lobber. Either way, you can’t progress on just Simple, you have do it on Regular sooner or later. Simple’s good practice though.

I have dash, beam, red spread shot too. I guess I’ll just keep trying once in a while until I get through.

Made it past the clown roller coaster.

I had though shooting up was damaging him in the final phase and it wasn’t. Once I realized that it took several more tries and I made it.

Oh nice one! Stay strong, you’ve got one of my other snag bosses coming.

Finally started playing this. It’s fuckin’ hard. Couldn’t ask for more from the Fleischer-style art or music, though.

So… I beat the devil out of Cuphead last night.


Yeah, it’s fucking hard but satisfying when you nail it. I completed 64% of it with my girlfriend before we puttered out and I resumed it over the weekend solo. Total combined death count on 100% completion: 2077. Eek!

My only real issues with it stem from the visuals. The foreground can often get in the way of enemies and projectiles and the boiling busyness of the animation can make bullets really hard to see sometimes. I also think certain attack combos can be very unfortunate and nigh on impossible to avoid but that’s the way the dunked cookie slops into your tea. Overall, I think it’s a very well crafted game and most of the time screwing up is totally on you. The soundtrack is amazing and it’s easily one of the best looking games in motion I’ve ever seen – and expect to see – for a long time.

The moral of the game: don’t be a mug and gamble in the devil’s casino.

Edit: actually, it’s Mugman who tries to deter Cuphead from gambling so, uh, ‘don’t be a cup’.

Nice job, that had to take some effort!

And swearing. Lots of swearing. Bob Ross I was not.

That’s really impressive. I occasionally still fire it up, but since I’ve lost practice, I don’t do well. I need to create a chunk of time for it after I finish RDR2.

Cuphead is coming to the Switch:

The cartoon side-scroller is now a cartoon

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer Max Fleischer homage.

Yeah I mean it pretty much already is a cartoon, just the hardest cartoon you’ve ever played.

Expect the first episode to release in what, 2028?

That’s what we needed, can’t let things get too upbeat around here!

Does that article acknowledge the role Fleischer played in popularizing jazz and creating indelible records of Cab Calloway’s performances?

At least it matches the name on the tin.

Bleah. The article extends the concept of “whitewashing history” to mean this: if you are creatively inspired by art that has any racist connection, you must engage with that connection. It is not enough to avoid being racist in your new creation.

Which is quite a stretch. If I write a story in the Cthulhu tradition, it’s a valid choice to “sidestep” Lovecraft’s racism, or not.

I suspect the Bendy games would have to answer to the same issues.

Anyhow, I think it’s completely legit to use an art style without answering for the sins of the people that popularized it. On a personal level, I have strong memories of the 1930s racist cartoons playing in regular after-school rotation in the late 1970s and early 80s. Cuphead does make me think of those cartoons. So does Bendy. I doubt that’s an issue for most younger folks, though.