Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

That doesn’t mean anything to me since their acceptable framerate might be different than mine. But it seems like a 3070 should have enough headroom at 1440p, especially with DLSS. It seems like a game where I’d want raytracing.

Mine (apart from SSD - still rocking a plain HDD here) fits the 1080p high, so I’m good, I suppose. ;)

RTX trailer

They are dumdums for not including framerate target for those specs. I dunno why devs still frakk up these basic things.

I am amused they think people actually have RTX3070/3080 cards.

I think it’s safe to assume it’s 30 unless otherwise specified.

Yep. 30, 60 or what??

I would’ve guessed 60 with plenty of dips. Now you’ve got me curious. Maybe someone will tweet at them.

Pretty rain in that last trailer!

Cool, my wifes new laptop hits everything for RT Ultra but the RTX3080.

Thing is, where would a RTX2080 fit there? It beats RT minimum. but could it peg RT High?

Okay, maybe this isn’t the best thread for this, but I’ve currently got a GTX 1070 which has been serving me pretty well in most things I’ve been playing so far.

If I were to upgrade, are the RTX 3070 or 3080 the only ones I want to look at right now–assuming I could find one to buy?

I am thinking RT High @ 1080p , with a RTX2080 using DLSS.

I’m thinking with my 9-year-old system I’ll be firing this up for the first time in a couple more years!

Believe me, if it wasn’t for the fact my wife just got a new laptop I’d be lucky to be able to launch the splash screens with my 12 year old PC.

@lordkosc cool, I can live with that. Heck, I can live with potato mode, considering that I played Witcher 3 on fairly low settings and didn’t care.

Do you have a G-sync monitor? If so, yes.

If not, then it depends on how much you want RTX and DLSS. Since you’re posting this in the Cyberpunk thread, I assume you’re interested in the game’s RTX implementation, so that leans toward 3070/3080.

If not, then get one of the new AMD cards.

No on the G-sync monitor, yes on the RTX.

I think I’ll keep an eye out on prices/availability. If I can get acceptable performance out of the 1070 with Cyberpunk, I may hold off on the purchase until there are at least a few more games I’m interested in that make use of it. But I do love me some fancy lighting effects…

If ever there was a time to use the “sweet summer child” meme…

You’re in for a world of hurt.

Hey, if I want to spend $1,300+ I could grab one from Amazon right now…

Well, my 1080 TI will struggle with the 1440P I need. I’ll have to reduce details down. Hopefully, I can get it to run around 40 FPS.

Or 720p at 80FPS!

umm bad at maths…